Wow, it has been f-o-r-e-v-e-r since I have blogged. Work was very busy, or I should say "life" has been very busy. How do we do it all?
I could not wait to get out of work last week (the Tuesday before Christmas). Lunch money issues was really getting me down. Money must be tight this year since we are having issues with getting money on the lunch accounts for the kids at school. I try not to take it personal but I just can't help it, I do. Plus, my staff each had a family member loss this year so it has been hard on them too. I lost my father around the holidays so I totally understand how they are feeling, losing someone so close to the holidays. It really does SUCK.
I have been missing my dad, as always, and I was asking him for some signs to let me know he is still with me. After he passed away, we had many issues with the lights going off or on when nobody was around or touching them, and we also had some candles that I knew had been blown out that came back on. I would go to bed, wake up and notice candles or lights on. I have always felt it is my father, letting me know that he is still with me. So, I asked him for a sign around the holidays to let me know he is still "with me". Sure enough, within a day or two, I was in bed and woke up and noticed a light in our living room. I woke up my husband and asked him if he went and turned it on and he said no. So, I laughed and said, "thank you dad". I love feeling his presence and knowing he is still watching over us.
Along with all the money issues of the kids at school, we are starting a new menu item at our school. A "vegetarian" meal. This means the kids get a choice of FIVE items to order as their main item. Holy Crap! I don't even know where we are going to put it. Get this..... one of the items is a salad with beans. Three kinds of beans I believe are supposed to get put into a salad. Now, let me tell you, the kids rarely even take a regular salad much less one that has beans in it. Another one of the items is "Hummus". I have never even had hummus until the other day. Somebody had it at a dinner I went to, so I tried it. Now I will tell you, I have never liked chick peas so when I heard that is what hummus is, I thought no way. But I thought I would give it a try anyway. It was a hummus dip with roasted peppers. Now I love roasted peppers. How bad could it be. Well.. for me, very bad. I don't like the texture of chick peas and I really don't like the texture of hummus. Do you really think the kids are going to like it? Order it? Other items are sunbutter (like a peanut butter but without the peanuts) platter. We already have a "sunbutter sandwich" on the menu. The kids order about 5 of them on Mondays and take Zero of them. They always say they meant to order the bagel which is lunch "C". I don't usually force the issue. When you try to force them to take it they get that "look" like NO WAY and sometime they start to get all welled up with tears. Oh, give me a break. I usually say "take your bagel, but next time you have to take it". But they don't. We don't even check anymore. I don't even make the sandwiches anymore. I put some sunbutter and jelly in cups, bag two pieces of bread, and wait and see if it is left over at the end of the day, which of course, it is. So, hopefully these newly added menu items will be a non-issue. I sent out a note to the teachers before I left on Tuesday telling them about the newly added item. I told them "I am sure the students will be chomping at the bit to get their hummus platter and salad with beans". I also said in the note that "I thought it was a practical joke being played by my boss, but much to my surprise it wasn't and we really have to make these items". I got replies from some teachers that said "you are so funny!". The nurse emailed me and said she was "falling off her seat since she was laughing so hard", she also said "I crack her up". That was my intention, to inform and let them know about the items, but also let them know I am not taking the items very seriously. Who knows, maybe the children will L-O-V-E the new items and I will be totally wrong. Wouldn't be the first time.
Now on my plate (life's plate) is a community issue I am working on. There have been two bridges closed on my road within 1/2 mile of my house. I was upset about the first one, which has been closed now for two years, then last week, Penndot closed another one. What a mess. I emailed our local newspaper and asked them to do a story about it, which they did. I have also emailed a State Legislator and a Senator asking for some help. We will see what comes of all this. I am not saying that I am "fighting anybody" to get something done about these bridge closures since I don't believe "fighting" against anything helps. I am saying that I am being an advocate for the residents of our road. Sounds better than fighting against something, right?
I am now working on my third speech for my Toastmasters Club. I did a speech at our Holiday Club meeting and it went very well. I did "Mrs. Clauses Rant" and I told everybody how, "it is not Santa that keep the spirit of Christmas alive, it is I, Mrs. Claus, that does all the baking, cooking, cleaning, decorating, and wrapping of the presents.". I had some pretty good jokes in there (I hope you don't mind if I do say so myself), about how Santa knows what every child in the whole world wants for Christmas but has no clue what to give me. I listed items he has given me over the years like a car wash kit, two tickets to the Circuit City home theater installation seminar, and a two-year membership to Weight Watchers. I told the men to listen up and never give the female in their life something that implies that they need to lose weight, not unless they have a death wish. I also said that Santa did give me a gift I did like once. It was a mood ring, it turned a beautiful shade of green when I was in a good mood, but when I was in a bad mood, it left a red mark, right in the middle of his forehead. I had "googled" Santa and marriage to get some of those jokes so they weren't mine. But nevertheless, they were funny and I got some laughs. I have a third speech to do at our next meeting. It is about the many lessons I learned at the Fall Toastmasters Conference" I went to. I don't think I can make it very funny, but a speech is a speech so I am hoping for it to go well.
Last but not least, is my book. I am typing up more of it since I have a few extra days off. I am doing the Chapter on Allergies. I had it titled "Allergies Everywhere", however, today I thought of a new title "Allergies in a Nutshell". I think that is a better title, what ca' think?
Well, I wish all of you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year 2009. I am looking forward to completing my book, going on a great vacation and getting back to how I looked in the "1970's, 80's, 90, 2000's. Yes, I have lost the same 50 times at least two times per decade. Here I go again, just like Oprah!
All is well.....
Monday, December 29, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Here a story, there a story
Where O Where have the stories gone? Where O Where could they be?
I was just soaking in the tub after a long day at work. As I am relaxing, I am thinking why can't I get any more stories for my book? Things happen at my school all the time that can go in my book. Do things only happen to me? I don't think so. I am wondering if I am doing everything I can to collect more stories. Here are some of the things I have been doing:
Blogging (of course)
Emailing everybody who have participated in the past by sending me a story, and asking
them to ask around and pass on my email or address to others who may have stories
Joining "website" groups. is a website that has a Lunch ladies Rock group.
I was on there yesterday and came across a woman who said that someone she knows
is writing a book and collecting stories. My heart dropped! OH NO! Then I realized that the
someone they were talking about was me. Thank goodness! (small world) I have a myspace,
youtube, and a facebook page where I advertise what I am doing.
Attending School Nutrition Chapter Dinner meetings. I was supposed to attend one last night
but it was cancelled due to the weather at the last minute.
Attending School Nutrition Annual Conference and passing out my "business card" that
asks for stories. I passed out at least 50 cards. I did not get a single story. I also
talked to many, many ladies there asking for their help. There was a lady I talked to at
one of the night get-together's and she had a million stories. I had no paper with me
to quickly write them down. DARN! I was so sure I would here from her. She had
30 years in the business. What a plethora of stories she must have.
So what is a lunch lady to do? What more can I do? I need more stories to make my book complete.
Whenever I talk to lunch ladies at dinner meetings, conferences or anywhere, the ladies always have a story they tell me verbatim. They will say "Oh, like the time the kid said", or "like the time I did........) I ask "please send me your story". I realize that I have to get those stories right there, at that moment. I have a small pocket recorder that I am planning on taking to the next Chapter dinner meeting. I will ask permission to turn it on. I am also planning on buying extra door prize tickets or a 50/50 drawing to give out to anybody who can write out a quick story or let me record a story". I know people love to win something. I would be happy to do that.
I got this idea when I was on the School Nutrition website ( They are having a PostCard Sweepstakes drawing for a free registration to the next ANC '09 Conference. Send them a story about a fond memory or story about a memorable ANC. They have a PostCard photo gallery that has postcards sent in with stories on them. Yes, stories! I can read some of them and they are exactly what I am looking for to include in my book. Heartfelt moments. Everybody loves to win something! What a great way to collect stories. I don't know if my 50 cent tickets will inspire anyone to jot a quick story down, but I will give it a try. Maybe I need to offer something bigger and better.
I have offered things before for stories. At our Annual Food Service Christmas Party, I sent a flyer and asked our food service staff to give me a story. I offered $20 for the best story and $5 for the 2nd best story. I got a total of three stories. I guess I need to up the ante! How much is a registration fee for the '09 conference? I have to check that out. Problem is we will have to pay our own airfare. That will hinder people from being able to attend.
School Nutrition Magazine was so kind to put in my blog address. How many 100 or 1000's of people read that magazine. I did get a few great stories from that publicity. But, just a few from one person. I need more!
On the cafemom website, someone posted a response that read "that lady writing the book is a genius". Well, certainly I am no genius or I would be generating more stories. I know there really is a need for my book. I know it will be popular. That comment proves that people love the idea.
I wonder if I can access and print in my book, the stories that are being collected by the School Nutrition website? I am going to email and ask them. Can't hurt to ask. No harm ever comes from asking. Maybe I could get the address of the people who sent in the postcards. I would be happy and willing to call, write or email the people who responded with a story and ask if I could use it in my book. Maybe I need to advertise my card in their magazine. I will check on prices for that.
I think part of the problem is that many lunch ladies do not email. My home address is on my card. I thought that might help. Do lunch ladies think their stories are not valuable, funny or heartfelt enough for a book. If they think that, they are wrong. Each one of us has a story that could resonate with someone. Each one of us has a story that could touch another's soul.
Anybody out there with any ideas? And, if you have already given me stories, please know that I am ever so grateful to you. Without you, there would be no book.
By the way, I bought a bunch of postcards to send in MY story to try and win a free registration to the ANC '09 conference. I am definitely planning on going. I hope to be selling my book by then. Signed autograph copy anyone?
I was just soaking in the tub after a long day at work. As I am relaxing, I am thinking why can't I get any more stories for my book? Things happen at my school all the time that can go in my book. Do things only happen to me? I don't think so. I am wondering if I am doing everything I can to collect more stories. Here are some of the things I have been doing:
Blogging (of course)
Emailing everybody who have participated in the past by sending me a story, and asking
them to ask around and pass on my email or address to others who may have stories
Joining "website" groups. is a website that has a Lunch ladies Rock group.
I was on there yesterday and came across a woman who said that someone she knows
is writing a book and collecting stories. My heart dropped! OH NO! Then I realized that the
someone they were talking about was me. Thank goodness! (small world) I have a myspace,
youtube, and a facebook page where I advertise what I am doing.
Attending School Nutrition Chapter Dinner meetings. I was supposed to attend one last night
but it was cancelled due to the weather at the last minute.
Attending School Nutrition Annual Conference and passing out my "business card" that
asks for stories. I passed out at least 50 cards. I did not get a single story. I also
talked to many, many ladies there asking for their help. There was a lady I talked to at
one of the night get-together's and she had a million stories. I had no paper with me
to quickly write them down. DARN! I was so sure I would here from her. She had
30 years in the business. What a plethora of stories she must have.
So what is a lunch lady to do? What more can I do? I need more stories to make my book complete.
Whenever I talk to lunch ladies at dinner meetings, conferences or anywhere, the ladies always have a story they tell me verbatim. They will say "Oh, like the time the kid said", or "like the time I did........) I ask "please send me your story". I realize that I have to get those stories right there, at that moment. I have a small pocket recorder that I am planning on taking to the next Chapter dinner meeting. I will ask permission to turn it on. I am also planning on buying extra door prize tickets or a 50/50 drawing to give out to anybody who can write out a quick story or let me record a story". I know people love to win something. I would be happy to do that.
I got this idea when I was on the School Nutrition website ( They are having a PostCard Sweepstakes drawing for a free registration to the next ANC '09 Conference. Send them a story about a fond memory or story about a memorable ANC. They have a PostCard photo gallery that has postcards sent in with stories on them. Yes, stories! I can read some of them and they are exactly what I am looking for to include in my book. Heartfelt moments. Everybody loves to win something! What a great way to collect stories. I don't know if my 50 cent tickets will inspire anyone to jot a quick story down, but I will give it a try. Maybe I need to offer something bigger and better.
I have offered things before for stories. At our Annual Food Service Christmas Party, I sent a flyer and asked our food service staff to give me a story. I offered $20 for the best story and $5 for the 2nd best story. I got a total of three stories. I guess I need to up the ante! How much is a registration fee for the '09 conference? I have to check that out. Problem is we will have to pay our own airfare. That will hinder people from being able to attend.
School Nutrition Magazine was so kind to put in my blog address. How many 100 or 1000's of people read that magazine. I did get a few great stories from that publicity. But, just a few from one person. I need more!
On the cafemom website, someone posted a response that read "that lady writing the book is a genius". Well, certainly I am no genius or I would be generating more stories. I know there really is a need for my book. I know it will be popular. That comment proves that people love the idea.
I wonder if I can access and print in my book, the stories that are being collected by the School Nutrition website? I am going to email and ask them. Can't hurt to ask. No harm ever comes from asking. Maybe I could get the address of the people who sent in the postcards. I would be happy and willing to call, write or email the people who responded with a story and ask if I could use it in my book. Maybe I need to advertise my card in their magazine. I will check on prices for that.
I think part of the problem is that many lunch ladies do not email. My home address is on my card. I thought that might help. Do lunch ladies think their stories are not valuable, funny or heartfelt enough for a book. If they think that, they are wrong. Each one of us has a story that could resonate with someone. Each one of us has a story that could touch another's soul.
Anybody out there with any ideas? And, if you have already given me stories, please know that I am ever so grateful to you. Without you, there would be no book.
By the way, I bought a bunch of postcards to send in MY story to try and win a free registration to the ANC '09 conference. I am definitely planning on going. I hope to be selling my book by then. Signed autograph copy anyone?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Finally, Back to Work
Finally, we are back to work. The teachers agreed to come back to work while there is "non-binding arbitration". I don't know much about what that means, but it is good to be back. We went back on Friday, September 19. Now, THAT was the weirdest thing. Going back to work after being off all summer , ON A FRIDAY! We were glad to go, its one less day to make up, but most of us had plans already for our last Friday off. We knew we would be going back either Tuesday or Wednesday the following week, so the 19th was our last Friday "of the summer" for us. But the call came Thursday morning, "be ready, it looks like we will have school tomorrow, we will let you know for sure later today". I was at my part-time job doing some office work when I got my call. I thought "ok, I will wait till I hear for sure". But as the minutes ticked away, my "school lunch lady brain" kicked in. Did I have everything I need. Did I have produce, milk, bread, what was I serving? My brain was in overdrive. I quick made some phone calls, luckily I was in a private office using the computer typing up labels. I called my staff, both of which I couldn't talk to personally since they were out. But they called me back quickly and were available to come in. Whew! Thank you Jesus!
I tried to concentrate on my typing and managed to get a few things done. My school boss had asked if I could stop in work to be sure everything was up and running. I had planned to leave work at 2:00 since I had a dentist appointment at 3:00. I told my "school" boss I would stop in my school at 4:00. By 1:00 the office staff was at lunch and I had run out of things to do. I figured I might as well leave. I went to tell the only staff not at lunch and she said "Oh, can you stay, we are having a going away party for you". How nice of the sales department at the hotel where I worked in banquets, to want to do this for me. I had to stay. They were bringing chocolate fondue and fruit! So, I waited. At 1:45 the fondue and fruit arrived. I had a few bites and had to go. They gave me a very nice "Thank You" card.
I stopped at work after my dentist appointment (by the way, I had a root canal on a back tooth that cost a whopping $1,250, can you believe it cost that much), and found everything in order. I did some things to help us be ready in the morning, then I went home and went to bed early.
Our first day back ended up with some problems. We turned on our cold table and it didn't get cold. Then about half hour later, the lights all flashed and went out on the cold table, and we smelled an electrical smell. That can't be good! Five work days later, it is still not fixed. The poor repairman had one problem after another. Finally, after three days, all day, working on it, and two electricians called in to assist, they figured out the problem was in the large cord. Since everything was "fried" we have to wait for new ballast's to be delivered since they needed to be special ordered. We still don't have lights, but we have refrigeration. We expect the Board of Health to be in very soon, They always come in the first month we go back to work. The good news is the cold table will be cold for them, however, I may get written up for the lights being
out. If that is the worst they find, NO PROBLEM.
My school was just opened 5 years ago. It is amazing how much equipment repair I have had to have, again and again with 5 year old equipment. They just don't make 'em like they used too.
I believe this cold table (which has been worked on many times) was a lemon. Do they have a lemon law on cold tables? Anybody know?
Our lunch counts were very low the first day. I was very worried. But, they rebounded this week. I don't think the parents were prepared, just like us, to go back on a Friday. Lunch money on students accounts is trickling in this year at my school. In the past, I would have stacks of prepayments of checks and cash, this year, it just isn't happening. I guess things are tough for everybody. Personally, I am not participating in the "recession". I don't listen for any news about it, I don't talk about it, I don't think about it. We are doing ok, and I don't think that listening to gloom and doom does any good at all.
I hope everybody has had a great opening of their schools all across the country. We did, even with our equipment issues and other things. The great thing about school food service is kind of like what Forest Gump said", "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get". Everyday you may meet a new challenge. You roll up your sleeves, and jump in, handling one thing after another, and before you know it, the day is over and it is time to go home. The months pass by quickly, then, its summer again and a few months of much needed recuperation.
So, welcome back to all. Life is good, All is well.
I tried to concentrate on my typing and managed to get a few things done. My school boss had asked if I could stop in work to be sure everything was up and running. I had planned to leave work at 2:00 since I had a dentist appointment at 3:00. I told my "school" boss I would stop in my school at 4:00. By 1:00 the office staff was at lunch and I had run out of things to do. I figured I might as well leave. I went to tell the only staff not at lunch and she said "Oh, can you stay, we are having a going away party for you". How nice of the sales department at the hotel where I worked in banquets, to want to do this for me. I had to stay. They were bringing chocolate fondue and fruit! So, I waited. At 1:45 the fondue and fruit arrived. I had a few bites and had to go. They gave me a very nice "Thank You" card.
I stopped at work after my dentist appointment (by the way, I had a root canal on a back tooth that cost a whopping $1,250, can you believe it cost that much), and found everything in order. I did some things to help us be ready in the morning, then I went home and went to bed early.
Our first day back ended up with some problems. We turned on our cold table and it didn't get cold. Then about half hour later, the lights all flashed and went out on the cold table, and we smelled an electrical smell. That can't be good! Five work days later, it is still not fixed. The poor repairman had one problem after another. Finally, after three days, all day, working on it, and two electricians called in to assist, they figured out the problem was in the large cord. Since everything was "fried" we have to wait for new ballast's to be delivered since they needed to be special ordered. We still don't have lights, but we have refrigeration. We expect the Board of Health to be in very soon, They always come in the first month we go back to work. The good news is the cold table will be cold for them, however, I may get written up for the lights being
out. If that is the worst they find, NO PROBLEM.
My school was just opened 5 years ago. It is amazing how much equipment repair I have had to have, again and again with 5 year old equipment. They just don't make 'em like they used too.
I believe this cold table (which has been worked on many times) was a lemon. Do they have a lemon law on cold tables? Anybody know?
Our lunch counts were very low the first day. I was very worried. But, they rebounded this week. I don't think the parents were prepared, just like us, to go back on a Friday. Lunch money on students accounts is trickling in this year at my school. In the past, I would have stacks of prepayments of checks and cash, this year, it just isn't happening. I guess things are tough for everybody. Personally, I am not participating in the "recession". I don't listen for any news about it, I don't talk about it, I don't think about it. We are doing ok, and I don't think that listening to gloom and doom does any good at all.
I hope everybody has had a great opening of their schools all across the country. We did, even with our equipment issues and other things. The great thing about school food service is kind of like what Forest Gump said", "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get". Everyday you may meet a new challenge. You roll up your sleeves, and jump in, handling one thing after another, and before you know it, the day is over and it is time to go home. The months pass by quickly, then, its summer again and a few months of much needed recuperation.
So, welcome back to all. Life is good, All is well.
Monday, September 15, 2008
My Blog Gets National Exposure

Let me tell you how grateful I am to School Nutrition Magazine for mentioning my blog and my book. I am soooooo grateful! Truly! Is it a coincidence that I heard from a lunch lady from Missouri who so graciously sent me some stories? I think not.
I had sent School Nutrition Magazine an email telling them about my blog and about the book I am working on. I never heard anything so I thought that they were probably not interested. I had also sent our local School Nutrition of PA newsletter an article about a promotion I had come up with and our school district did. I never heard from them, however they too had put my article in the Action Update Newsletter. I admit that since I had that piece in the Action Update, I was hoping that School Nutrition Magazine might have something in the magazine but, I couldn't have dreamed it better.
I sent an email out to all I know who follow my blog and my book adventures. National Exposure! I am hoping that as lunch ladies all over the country read their magazine, (By the way, it is the September 2008 issue) they will see my name, blog web address, and read about my book and want to share a story or two with me. Please, Please, if your reading this, I would love your story. How about telling me what you like most about being a lunch lady, how about what you dislike? We all have a story to tell, let me put it in print for you!
I had been feeling a little pessimistic about my book as of late. All the details about putting a book together is daunting. Book proposals, editing, agents, publishers, stories, stories, stories. Until this good luck! (I believe you make your own luck though). All the articles, writing journals, and books about publishing a book have been sitting on my cedar chest all summer. I didn't do much of anything with them. But now, I have a renewed passion to start working on it again. This book is truly going to happen. The Universe is aligning all the stars for me. All I need now is a publisher willing to take a chance on me and my book. And, if not, I will self-publish it.
Like I said in my email to all, Vegas here I come. Las Vegas is where the National ANC 2009 Convention will be held. June 29-July 2nd. (School Nutrition Conference) I hope to be on my book tour. Look for me! I'll be the one signing my books.
Life is good, all is well.
food service workers,
lunch lady,
Thursday, September 11, 2008
S-T-R-I-K-E (Teachers)
A whole summer has passed. How quickly they go. But...... we are not yet back to serving lunches. Our teachers are on strike! And, it doesn't look like we will be back to work anytime soon. What a "pickle" for food service. We didn't know until the day before school was to start, whether there would be school or not. Produce, refrigerator items, and everything necessary for the first two weeks, had to be bought in, just in case school was a go. Now, the task of throwing out what wouldn't last has to be done.
I totally support the teachers and believe in the right to strike. But what a year it will be. Hardly any days off for 180 days, plus working into late June or worse. This will really mess us up for those of us that have summer jobs. Plus many of us make plans for vacations as soon as school is done. Don't be surprised if you see many new faces in your cafeteria. When we get the school calendar for the following school year, we use the days off(Act 80, teacher in-service days, and extra days off for holidays)for doctors appointments, mini-vacations, family things and whatever. Now we will have to have subs in for those days.
We always joke and whine during the school year about how "hard it is to have two or three full weeks of school with no weekdays off". We will really be whining this year.
Believe me, it is lovely being off this time of the year. The air is a little cooler
places are less crowded, and I am loving every moment of it. I have picked up some hours at my other job, which I am very grateful for. I can work any hours I want, and I get to sit at a desk all day. However, I am finding out that as nice as it is, I am not really a "sit at a desk person" anymore. Being off has made me appreciate my job ever more than I have already. I realize that I love the fast pace at school and the interaction with the kids. I do really miss the kids.
Its funny that all summer long, I hardly talked to anybody (managers from school)but now I am talking to them a few times a week via phone. Today we had 10 people, managers and staff, get together for a nice lunch and shopping. We are planning another shopping trip to Lancaster next week, as long as we are still not working. Many of us realized that since we were in the mode to get back to work, we have found ourselves working on projects, extra cleaning and getting more done than we did all summer.
Who knows what this year will hold. Hopefully a healthy year for me and my staff.
I hope the teachers get what they want. I admit that my benefits are what the teachers benefits are so I hope that the cost and quality of our benefits are not compromised.
I hope to be back at work soon even though I am making great money at my other job. But for all the others who have no other job to go to, I hope it ends soon.
All is well.
I totally support the teachers and believe in the right to strike. But what a year it will be. Hardly any days off for 180 days, plus working into late June or worse. This will really mess us up for those of us that have summer jobs. Plus many of us make plans for vacations as soon as school is done. Don't be surprised if you see many new faces in your cafeteria. When we get the school calendar for the following school year, we use the days off(Act 80, teacher in-service days, and extra days off for holidays)for doctors appointments, mini-vacations, family things and whatever. Now we will have to have subs in for those days.
We always joke and whine during the school year about how "hard it is to have two or three full weeks of school with no weekdays off". We will really be whining this year.
Believe me, it is lovely being off this time of the year. The air is a little cooler
places are less crowded, and I am loving every moment of it. I have picked up some hours at my other job, which I am very grateful for. I can work any hours I want, and I get to sit at a desk all day. However, I am finding out that as nice as it is, I am not really a "sit at a desk person" anymore. Being off has made me appreciate my job ever more than I have already. I realize that I love the fast pace at school and the interaction with the kids. I do really miss the kids.
Its funny that all summer long, I hardly talked to anybody (managers from school)but now I am talking to them a few times a week via phone. Today we had 10 people, managers and staff, get together for a nice lunch and shopping. We are planning another shopping trip to Lancaster next week, as long as we are still not working. Many of us realized that since we were in the mode to get back to work, we have found ourselves working on projects, extra cleaning and getting more done than we did all summer.
Who knows what this year will hold. Hopefully a healthy year for me and my staff.
I hope the teachers get what they want. I admit that my benefits are what the teachers benefits are so I hope that the cost and quality of our benefits are not compromised.
I hope to be back at work soon even though I am making great money at my other job. But for all the others who have no other job to go to, I hope it ends soon.
All is well.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Philly Conference - Lunch Ladies just want to have fun.

Wow! What an event. The 2008 School Nutrition Association Conference was really something. It was fun and informative. The conference was Sun 7/20 through Wed
7/23. It actually started earlier however I didn't get there until Sun. It's all about the who's who of SNA, products, education and fun. It was attended by more than 1,000 lunch ladies, vendors, directors and more. We heard great speakers, tasted new products, attended educational workshops and partied. I got some great ideas about handling food allergies at my school which I will pass along to the other schools in our district. The partying was fun too. Sunday night Tyson Foods took us to the Camden Aquarium which they had rented out for us. It was very nice. I actually ate dinner (prime rib I might add)sitting next to the shark tank. Yes, shark's were just alongside the other side of the glass. Such beautiful creatures. We were able to meander around the aquarium at our leisure which was lit by votive candles. A great band played, lots of dancing, and the Tyson Chicken was there too. I have pictures! We really enjoyed it.
The exhibit floor was massive and the vendors out did themselves with tasty samples and give-a-ways. Everybody loves a giveaway. I do admit that the walking was more than my "new" foot could handle.
The second night (yes, we did "work" things in the day, but I remember more the night fun) we went to a Lowes Hotel for a wine and cheese party which for some reason, I was uncomfortable at. We were assured the dress code was casual however, this particular party was a dress up event. Luckily we got a call to see if we were interested in attending another party at a Phila night club called "Finegan's Wake". I have been there before for a bachelorette party so I was very excited to be going. We went out and had to hail our first cab (which later turned out to be the first of many). I asked "what do you do to get a cab, open the door and ask?". I was told that is how it is done, and that is what I did. I opened the door and asked if they could take us to the address, the driver smiled and nodded, and away we went. Holding on! All the taxi drivers we took would be great for the Amazing Race contestants. We rolled around in the back, laughing all the way. We ended up staying there for quite a while, dancing (yes, dancing, after 4 glasses of wine, my foot didn't hurt at all. Funny thing about alcohol, I have been wasting my time with Motrin and Aleve). When I came off the dance floor my friend asked how my foot was feeling, I said "What foot"? And I am sure you know, I paid the price later with a swollen foot that even the ice packs couldn't help. But.... it was worth it.
You would think after that we would be heading back to the hotel but no way Hosa! We were off to another party at another hotel. That party also fun but by then we were mere observers. No dancing there for me. Another cab ride later and we were back at the hotel and slept well.
The next few days were fun and educational. We saw Robin Roberts of Good Morning American who spoke at the conference. She seems really nice and told her story and gave us encouragement. She has breast cancer and is doing well. She didn't make that the focus of her speaking though. She was a great speaking and very down to earth. She seems like one of the girls. She would make a great friend.
The conference closed with a concert by Patti LaBelle. She's a trip (old '80's language I know, but describes her well). She is 63 or 64 and still going strong. She kept changing shoes which I found odd. 4" and 5 ' heels. (You go girl!) I loved hearing her say "I LOVE YOU LUNCH LADIES". For some reason that struck me as being so cool! Somebody, besides our family, co-workers, and friends, loving us for being lunch ladies. It was a great time that I will remember forever.
So, you might ask, did I make any connections for or about my book? Yes, I did.
About a week and a half before the conference at my Toastmasters meeting, somebody asked me what I wanted on my "business card". I didn't even know I was getting a business card and frankly, I have never had one. I gave them my phone number for my JoAnn Wismer, Secretary of the Blue Bell Toastmasters Club, business card. Then a few days later my boss asked me if I had a business card to hand out at the conference to give information about my book. Well, "no I don't I said", then I thought "why don't I"? So about 2 hours later I had ordered online 100 business type cards with information about my book and how to contact me. I believe that sometimes you have to go for the gentle nudges the Universe provides you with to get you to do something. Two mentions of business cards in a few days was surely a sign. I have a story request letter but a card is something small that people could put in their purse or wallet. I ordered them on Sunday night and had them on Thursday. How cool is that?
I passed out my cards and spoke to wonderful ladies all of whom thinks that my book is a great idea. One person told me that I should go around and speak to people about the things we were talking about. Wow! Speaking in public about something has been a goal of mine for awhile. Reaffirms my beliefs as to what I need to be doing.
I met one woman names Francis who has worked in Food Service for I think it was 38 years. What a wealth of stories she has. I hope, pray and ask that she send me a few stories for my book. Many people when I tell them about my books will say "here's one", and start talking, however I don't always have my pen and paper ready to go. Maybe they will email or mail those stories to me. Keep your fingers crossed.
Well, now the conference is over. What do I move on to next? My book proposal for a publisher is first on my list. My boss said she remembers something about somebody else writing a book like mine. I guess I better get a move on, however, I know there are plenty of stories for us all to write a book.
Summer is moving on quickly, too quickly. I have to practice my first speech I am doing at our next Toastmasters meeting. Yikes! Another thing I got from the conference is that the best speakers are the ones that use humor. Everybody seems to enjoy that most. I hope to do that in my speeches.
Thirty-seven days until school/work starts again. I wonder why the month of March seems to go by slower than the 2 1/2 months of summer break. Hmmm......
All is well.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Goodbye 2007-2008 school year
Wow, I can't believe so much time has passed since I last blogged. May 7th? So much as passed since then. To name a few I had foot surgery and was out of work for 2 weeks and 2 days. I went back and had the mad rush of getting the school "closed" for the summer. I also went to Florida with my mom, sister, and niece.
My foot surgery.... Well, I decided that I really needed the surgery since I was living daily with foot pain. The doctor said that surgery was the next option and he had done all he could except for that. I was at a grocery store one day, after working at school all day, and the pain was so bad that I was in tears. I thought enough of this, get the surgery done. Heck.. I had 60 days worth of sick time accumulated. So I took 2 weeks off. I had asked the doctor if I could go back to work after two weeks and he said "probably". Well, I took that as a yes! When I called to make the appointment for the surgery, the nurse said "you will need to be off your foot for at least 4 weeks". I said but the doctor said I could go back in two. She said "well, we recommend 4 weeks off. At this point I had made up my mind and I was doing it. I told my boss, who took it quite well I would like to add, and on May 21 (yes, about 4 weeks before school ended) I was scheduled. The surgery went well, but the darn nurse was right. I really needed four week off. I went back after two weeks and two additional days off, but I really couldn't around well. I had a stool there so I could sit and do some stuff but I will tell you, it was so hard to be there when you can't get around.
I have the best staff ever I will say. They managed the kitchen while I was out and they came through with flying colors. I am indebted to them for their kindness and dedication. I know sure-a-shooting that they were glad this year was done. They deserved the much needed summer vacation. I hope they know how much they are appreciated.
Closing a school for summer is always bittersweet. First, by the middle of May, you have to start warning, poking, prodding the kids and parents to send in lunch money that will get them through the end of the year. Not an easy task! Sports start up and parents and the kids are so busy, which means lunch money is the last thing on their minds. I send out note after note after note, and while some are wonderful and make sure their kids accounts are in good shape, many do not. We are pressured from above to make sure that the lunch "charges" do not get out of hand. We even have to call the homes of students (hey, am I in the collections department?) which is something all of us hate to do.
Lunch money is only the beginning of "school closing". There is all the cleaning. We are supposed to clean every nook and cranny of the school kitchen. (Not a strong suit of mine) but regardless, you get it done. There is also all the orders for food, equipment, and miscellaneous things for September that must be accomplished before you leave for the summer. I don't know you but it is hard to think about what you want for dinner tonight much less trying to order everything you need for three months away. But, we get it done.
Also you have to think about not having that paycheck coming in. We do not collect unemployment in the summer. We checked this out this year and we were told it is because the school districts have some kind of agreement with the government. Hmm.... that agreement sucks1 It is hard to find a job that you will have for the summer only. We are not age 16 you know. Summer jobs aren't so easy when your in your 40's, 50,'s or so. I have a 2nd job all the time so I try and pick up some hours there but the pickings are slim at that job too. Even though it is summer, bills still have to be paid and life goes on. Plus, I want to do some things this summer too!
I remember an earlier blog I wrote which I mentioned gas being $3.00 a gallon,...several times. It's up to $4.00 a gallon now but I am not even going there!
But you know, you do the best you can. It is nice to be able to sleep in, rest up, have my foot recovering from surgery, and of course, work on my book.
Speaking of my book, I am going to a conference in Philadelphia in a few weeks. I hope to drum up some stories. I have begun the process of a book proposal which is needed to see if someone might want to publish it. It is a lot of work, but heck, I have 8 more weeks to work on it.
Gotta love this lunchlady job! (most of the time anyway)....
All is well....
My foot surgery.... Well, I decided that I really needed the surgery since I was living daily with foot pain. The doctor said that surgery was the next option and he had done all he could except for that. I was at a grocery store one day, after working at school all day, and the pain was so bad that I was in tears. I thought enough of this, get the surgery done. Heck.. I had 60 days worth of sick time accumulated. So I took 2 weeks off. I had asked the doctor if I could go back to work after two weeks and he said "probably". Well, I took that as a yes! When I called to make the appointment for the surgery, the nurse said "you will need to be off your foot for at least 4 weeks". I said but the doctor said I could go back in two. She said "well, we recommend 4 weeks off. At this point I had made up my mind and I was doing it. I told my boss, who took it quite well I would like to add, and on May 21 (yes, about 4 weeks before school ended) I was scheduled. The surgery went well, but the darn nurse was right. I really needed four week off. I went back after two weeks and two additional days off, but I really couldn't around well. I had a stool there so I could sit and do some stuff but I will tell you, it was so hard to be there when you can't get around.
I have the best staff ever I will say. They managed the kitchen while I was out and they came through with flying colors. I am indebted to them for their kindness and dedication. I know sure-a-shooting that they were glad this year was done. They deserved the much needed summer vacation. I hope they know how much they are appreciated.
Closing a school for summer is always bittersweet. First, by the middle of May, you have to start warning, poking, prodding the kids and parents to send in lunch money that will get them through the end of the year. Not an easy task! Sports start up and parents and the kids are so busy, which means lunch money is the last thing on their minds. I send out note after note after note, and while some are wonderful and make sure their kids accounts are in good shape, many do not. We are pressured from above to make sure that the lunch "charges" do not get out of hand. We even have to call the homes of students (hey, am I in the collections department?) which is something all of us hate to do.
Lunch money is only the beginning of "school closing". There is all the cleaning. We are supposed to clean every nook and cranny of the school kitchen. (Not a strong suit of mine) but regardless, you get it done. There is also all the orders for food, equipment, and miscellaneous things for September that must be accomplished before you leave for the summer. I don't know you but it is hard to think about what you want for dinner tonight much less trying to order everything you need for three months away. But, we get it done.
Also you have to think about not having that paycheck coming in. We do not collect unemployment in the summer. We checked this out this year and we were told it is because the school districts have some kind of agreement with the government. Hmm.... that agreement sucks1 It is hard to find a job that you will have for the summer only. We are not age 16 you know. Summer jobs aren't so easy when your in your 40's, 50,'s or so. I have a 2nd job all the time so I try and pick up some hours there but the pickings are slim at that job too. Even though it is summer, bills still have to be paid and life goes on. Plus, I want to do some things this summer too!
I remember an earlier blog I wrote which I mentioned gas being $3.00 a gallon,...several times. It's up to $4.00 a gallon now but I am not even going there!
But you know, you do the best you can. It is nice to be able to sleep in, rest up, have my foot recovering from surgery, and of course, work on my book.
Speaking of my book, I am going to a conference in Philadelphia in a few weeks. I hope to drum up some stories. I have begun the process of a book proposal which is needed to see if someone might want to publish it. It is a lot of work, but heck, I have 8 more weeks to work on it.
Gotta love this lunchlady job! (most of the time anyway)....
All is well....
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Practicing what I preach
Some days its all good, and some days, well... its not. Today was one of those days where I just had to think about all the things I have been learning and studying in my cd's and books. All the things that I have been blogging about and preaching. Just let what happens, be ok. Watch with curiosity. Practice what I preach.
Well, I certainly had a chance to do that today. First order of business today was to make sure I called and ordered something that I forgot on my order form. I remembered that I didn't order some bagged apples in the middle of the night. Yes, I woke up about 2:30 and the thought came to me that I didn't order the darn things and I had to remember to call up our warehouseman and ask him to please add to my order as soon as I could. You see, lunch ladies never really sleep.
I got that done first thing then went about my day counting up our lunch count forms (these forms tell us what the students want for lunch, they get 4 choices daily). Our main lunch today was a turkey, bacon and cheese on a roll. There was a choice of chicken patty and a few other choices. Now, turkey, bacon and cheese is not a very popular item so I was surprised when I came across one room that had ordered 18 of them. Hmm.. that didn't sound right to me. Especially when chicken patties are a favorite. I looked at the names of the students and decided that I would not call up the room and bother the teacher to recheck the count. I had recently done that with the same class a few weeks ago, but this time I choose to let it go. (Yeah, I know, dumb mistake) (or was it?).
I counted up all the menu items and went about making the food. Before you know it, its serving time and the students are coming in. We have two grades that come in with no break. After those two grades were through, one of my staff says "Jo, we don't have enough turkey sandwiches. I probably gave a look like, yeah right, recount them... and I went to count them myself. I first looked at my book and new instantly that I had miscounted! DARN! I needed another 20 sandwiches at least. So during our 5 minute break I went about getting everything out (no easy task since I didn't have enough turkey thawed) getting rolls, meat, bacon etc. out and making the sandwiches. Somebody covered me on the register so I could finish up my mistake. It makes me feel so stupid when I do something like that. I had mistakenly added up a 2 instead of a 23 on the calculator. I usually add them up twice so I must have added it up incorrectly twice.
I come back to the register and one of my staff says "Jo, the dishwasher is leaking water all over the floor". Ohhh.... I go and check it and sure enough water is spewing all over from the bottom or the floor, (or so I thought). We drained the machine and checked the drains to be sure they would close properly. Sometimes food or plastic ware gets stuck in a drain and it doesn't close and water can leak out that way. It wasn't that, the drains were fine. We had to refill the machine and see it it still leaked, which of course, it did. Now, this is ALL during serving time. I got kids coming in from all directions, dish machine spewing, the turkey sandwich crisis coming up, what else was going to happen?
Ahh. it was finally time for the class to come in that I knew (yes, I did know that count was wrong)to come in for their 18 turkey sandwiches they ordered. They were the first class to come in of that grade. I heard all the commotion from the kids as they were yelling that they did not order the turkey sandwiches. I went down and we showed them the lunch count form which clearly showed that they did order them. The person who did the lunch counts form said she wrote down what the teacher told her to write. Oh.. the confusion... oh the tears...oh the day I was having. I ended up yelling down the line. "Let's go, you can take your sandwich or a bagel, that's it, move along". So, down the line they went. Muttering under their breath, some not so under their breath, the dispraise, the utter dissatisfaction. Woe is me.....
So if you were paying attention, you realize I never needed those extra 20 turkey sandwiches I had to run back to make. Most of the kids took bagels. Some took just milk and juice out of protest. I had 16 turkey sandwiches left over. CRAP!
Could I have avoided the whole turkey sandwich nightmare? Absolutely, I knew that count was wrong. But, should I have to call to see if it is correct. NO, should I have called anyway, probably. But sometimes, you just have to sit back, watch what happens, with curiosity.
Tomorrow? Who knows. Hopefully a visit from the repair man for the dishwasher. What else, only the Universe knows.
By the way, I wrote a note to the teacher to let her know that the students said she made the mistake and that they were very upset, she says she didn't make the mistake.
I will be re adding all my addition tomorrow, three times.
Ahhh..... all is well.
Well, I certainly had a chance to do that today. First order of business today was to make sure I called and ordered something that I forgot on my order form. I remembered that I didn't order some bagged apples in the middle of the night. Yes, I woke up about 2:30 and the thought came to me that I didn't order the darn things and I had to remember to call up our warehouseman and ask him to please add to my order as soon as I could. You see, lunch ladies never really sleep.
I got that done first thing then went about my day counting up our lunch count forms (these forms tell us what the students want for lunch, they get 4 choices daily). Our main lunch today was a turkey, bacon and cheese on a roll. There was a choice of chicken patty and a few other choices. Now, turkey, bacon and cheese is not a very popular item so I was surprised when I came across one room that had ordered 18 of them. Hmm.. that didn't sound right to me. Especially when chicken patties are a favorite. I looked at the names of the students and decided that I would not call up the room and bother the teacher to recheck the count. I had recently done that with the same class a few weeks ago, but this time I choose to let it go. (Yeah, I know, dumb mistake) (or was it?).
I counted up all the menu items and went about making the food. Before you know it, its serving time and the students are coming in. We have two grades that come in with no break. After those two grades were through, one of my staff says "Jo, we don't have enough turkey sandwiches. I probably gave a look like, yeah right, recount them... and I went to count them myself. I first looked at my book and new instantly that I had miscounted! DARN! I needed another 20 sandwiches at least. So during our 5 minute break I went about getting everything out (no easy task since I didn't have enough turkey thawed) getting rolls, meat, bacon etc. out and making the sandwiches. Somebody covered me on the register so I could finish up my mistake. It makes me feel so stupid when I do something like that. I had mistakenly added up a 2 instead of a 23 on the calculator. I usually add them up twice so I must have added it up incorrectly twice.
I come back to the register and one of my staff says "Jo, the dishwasher is leaking water all over the floor". Ohhh.... I go and check it and sure enough water is spewing all over from the bottom or the floor, (or so I thought). We drained the machine and checked the drains to be sure they would close properly. Sometimes food or plastic ware gets stuck in a drain and it doesn't close and water can leak out that way. It wasn't that, the drains were fine. We had to refill the machine and see it it still leaked, which of course, it did. Now, this is ALL during serving time. I got kids coming in from all directions, dish machine spewing, the turkey sandwich crisis coming up, what else was going to happen?
Ahh. it was finally time for the class to come in that I knew (yes, I did know that count was wrong)to come in for their 18 turkey sandwiches they ordered. They were the first class to come in of that grade. I heard all the commotion from the kids as they were yelling that they did not order the turkey sandwiches. I went down and we showed them the lunch count form which clearly showed that they did order them. The person who did the lunch counts form said she wrote down what the teacher told her to write. Oh.. the confusion... oh the tears...oh the day I was having. I ended up yelling down the line. "Let's go, you can take your sandwich or a bagel, that's it, move along". So, down the line they went. Muttering under their breath, some not so under their breath, the dispraise, the utter dissatisfaction. Woe is me.....
So if you were paying attention, you realize I never needed those extra 20 turkey sandwiches I had to run back to make. Most of the kids took bagels. Some took just milk and juice out of protest. I had 16 turkey sandwiches left over. CRAP!
Could I have avoided the whole turkey sandwich nightmare? Absolutely, I knew that count was wrong. But, should I have to call to see if it is correct. NO, should I have called anyway, probably. But sometimes, you just have to sit back, watch what happens, with curiosity.
Tomorrow? Who knows. Hopefully a visit from the repair man for the dishwasher. What else, only the Universe knows.
By the way, I wrote a note to the teacher to let her know that the students said she made the mistake and that they were very upset, she says she didn't make the mistake.
I will be re adding all my addition tomorrow, three times.
Ahhh..... all is well.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Did I mention........
I got an email today from a lunchlady in Michigan. She saw my youtube and has some stories for me. How cool is that? It just made my day.
I have so much going on these days. Work is going well and time is passing by so quickly. We have 31 more serving days left. Can you believe that. I have decided to have foot surgery this month (May) and I will be out for two weeks. I plan to work on my book during that time.
I am also going to rehab for my shoulder. It has been hurting for a while so I finally decided to have it looked at. I was hoping for a quick fix like a good old shot of cortisone, right the shoulder where the pain is. I have had cortisone shots in my knee and foot before. They are extremely painful. But that is what I was hoping for. Instead I heard the dreaded words.... rehab...... Who the heck has time for that? Twice a week. Driving to the outpatient place when gas is $3.60 a gal, did I say twice a week? Oh, I did. Then when you get there, all they want to do is show you exercises for you to do at home. If my insurance company is paying for the visit, I think I should only have to do the exercises when I am there, right? Naa, it doesn't work that way. Such a pain in ass, or should I say, pain in the shoulder.
Not much to say about work. It's going well. Things are happening in my and my staff's personal life, but work keeps you too busy to think about it much. You have parents to care for, children to worry about, friends falling off of a ladder and being in critical condition in the hospital. You just have to take it all in stride and keep making the lunches. Did I mention a Dermatologist giving you two needles and scrapping something off your chest and saying they will send it off to make sure it is benign? (It was, so no worries).
I think the children at school are doing pretty good. Not much problems except this is a tough time of the year for "lunch money". By May, the lunch accounts don't have much money left. Plus with the economy and did I mention gas at $3.60 a gal? Oh yeah, I did. Lunch money isn't at the top of the list for the parents. I have always wanted my district to do a promotion this time of the year to get money coming in. In the beginning of the year we do a promotion where you get an extra $1 on your account for every $10 you put in. It does help to bulk up the accounts. Management doesn't want to do it this time of the year. Boo hoo for me.
We have our annual "Luau" coming up at school I always have one at the end of the year. Just so happens the student council wanted to sponsor a Hawaiian day in May so I figured I would have my luau that day. I decorate and we have Hawaiian music playing and grass skirts (over top our khaki's of course). I serve ham and pineapple pizza. It is a fun day for the kids.
We also have our dreaded sundae bar coming up. Ohh. The good news is that it is the last one for the year. The bad news is that they want to continue it next year.
Still so much to do in our 31 serving days. (14 of which I will miss with my surgery). Cleaning, emptying the freezers, refrigerators, storerooms. Makes my head spin. On top of that I still have Toastmasters, contract negotiations, my son coming home from college for the summer, planning my trip to Florida as soon school is done. Wow, how exciting. It helps make the time go fast.
Did I mention gas is $3.60 a gallon?
I guess that is it for now.
Ahhhh. All is well.
I have so much going on these days. Work is going well and time is passing by so quickly. We have 31 more serving days left. Can you believe that. I have decided to have foot surgery this month (May) and I will be out for two weeks. I plan to work on my book during that time.
I am also going to rehab for my shoulder. It has been hurting for a while so I finally decided to have it looked at. I was hoping for a quick fix like a good old shot of cortisone, right the shoulder where the pain is. I have had cortisone shots in my knee and foot before. They are extremely painful. But that is what I was hoping for. Instead I heard the dreaded words.... rehab...... Who the heck has time for that? Twice a week. Driving to the outpatient place when gas is $3.60 a gal, did I say twice a week? Oh, I did. Then when you get there, all they want to do is show you exercises for you to do at home. If my insurance company is paying for the visit, I think I should only have to do the exercises when I am there, right? Naa, it doesn't work that way. Such a pain in ass, or should I say, pain in the shoulder.
Not much to say about work. It's going well. Things are happening in my and my staff's personal life, but work keeps you too busy to think about it much. You have parents to care for, children to worry about, friends falling off of a ladder and being in critical condition in the hospital. You just have to take it all in stride and keep making the lunches. Did I mention a Dermatologist giving you two needles and scrapping something off your chest and saying they will send it off to make sure it is benign? (It was, so no worries).
I think the children at school are doing pretty good. Not much problems except this is a tough time of the year for "lunch money". By May, the lunch accounts don't have much money left. Plus with the economy and did I mention gas at $3.60 a gal? Oh yeah, I did. Lunch money isn't at the top of the list for the parents. I have always wanted my district to do a promotion this time of the year to get money coming in. In the beginning of the year we do a promotion where you get an extra $1 on your account for every $10 you put in. It does help to bulk up the accounts. Management doesn't want to do it this time of the year. Boo hoo for me.
We have our annual "Luau" coming up at school I always have one at the end of the year. Just so happens the student council wanted to sponsor a Hawaiian day in May so I figured I would have my luau that day. I decorate and we have Hawaiian music playing and grass skirts (over top our khaki's of course). I serve ham and pineapple pizza. It is a fun day for the kids.
We also have our dreaded sundae bar coming up. Ohh. The good news is that it is the last one for the year. The bad news is that they want to continue it next year.
Still so much to do in our 31 serving days. (14 of which I will miss with my surgery). Cleaning, emptying the freezers, refrigerators, storerooms. Makes my head spin. On top of that I still have Toastmasters, contract negotiations, my son coming home from college for the summer, planning my trip to Florida as soon school is done. Wow, how exciting. It helps make the time go fast.
Did I mention gas is $3.60 a gallon?
I guess that is it for now.
Ahhhh. All is well.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Family Ties
My brother-in-law, sister-in-law and their children were in for a visit from Colorado. We were having dinner with them and my neice (not their daughter) is going to college studying to be a teacher. She asked me if I thought my school district would hire her. I replied, "I would think so". She got very excited and asked me "would you give me a free lunch?". I told her "well, I don't know about that but I sell a lot of lunches to the teachers, and I am sure you would enjoy eating lunch with us". My sister in-law replied to my neice "would you really want to eat a school lunch?". Now, she said it with disgust in her voice. Like eating a school lunch would be like eating dirt, or worse than dirt. HELLO???? did she not know that would hurt my feelings???? I looked at her and picked up some bugles (yes, those crunchy little cracker type snacks) and threw them at her. HER daughter in the meantime had made a face that said "YUCK! you would eat a school lunch?" Her mom (my sister-in-law) tried to back-pedal and say "oh, in our district all they get is burritos and mexican food". But she had made her point.
Sometimes I get very weary and tired of defending school lunches. Every where you go somebody is usually making a negative comment about it. My husband has made comments, my brother-in-law also has made comments. These people are family. Shouldn't they be supporting you no matter what you do for a living. How are we supposed to hold our head up high and be proud of what we do when their is such negativity about it. Hmmm. Just makes the point of my book more valid.
Do other jobs like trashmen, janitors, waitresses, meter maids, and other professions of these kinds have to defend what they do all the time. I bet they do.
I do take pride in what I do. I wouldn't serve any child anything that I wouldn't eat or would serve to my own child. Why do I let these comments bother me... Hmm..
I will have to think about that.
In the book I am reading which is "A New Earth" by Eckert Tolle (Oprahs book she has the online course for) says that "the ego gets in the way". So true, when I hear a comment like that, my ego certainly gets in the way. The book wants you to take the ego out of your reactions. Very hard to do. One of my tapes says about life "watch with curiosity". That is what I am practicing. Not to judge, not to react, just "watch with curiosity" all that happens around me. Watch with no attachment to it. Very hard to do.
Anyway, I guess that is all I want to say about that. (Didn't Forest Gump say that?)
We have a day off on Wednesday this week. Just in time, just what the doctor ordered. Yeah!
All is well.....
Sometimes I get very weary and tired of defending school lunches. Every where you go somebody is usually making a negative comment about it. My husband has made comments, my brother-in-law also has made comments. These people are family. Shouldn't they be supporting you no matter what you do for a living. How are we supposed to hold our head up high and be proud of what we do when their is such negativity about it. Hmmm. Just makes the point of my book more valid.
Do other jobs like trashmen, janitors, waitresses, meter maids, and other professions of these kinds have to defend what they do all the time. I bet they do.
I do take pride in what I do. I wouldn't serve any child anything that I wouldn't eat or would serve to my own child. Why do I let these comments bother me... Hmm..
I will have to think about that.
In the book I am reading which is "A New Earth" by Eckert Tolle (Oprahs book she has the online course for) says that "the ego gets in the way". So true, when I hear a comment like that, my ego certainly gets in the way. The book wants you to take the ego out of your reactions. Very hard to do. One of my tapes says about life "watch with curiosity". That is what I am practicing. Not to judge, not to react, just "watch with curiosity" all that happens around me. Watch with no attachment to it. Very hard to do.
Anyway, I guess that is all I want to say about that. (Didn't Forest Gump say that?)
We have a day off on Wednesday this week. Just in time, just what the doctor ordered. Yeah!
All is well.....
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Chapter Dinner Meeting
Boy oh boy, I haven't "blogged" in awhile. I have been so busy with, doctors appointments, aerobics, Toastmasters, hair appointments (thank goodness), working two jobs, story hunting, visiting my mom, visiting with family in from Colorado (more about that on another blog) that I haven't spent time blogging.
I went to a Chapter dinner meeting tonight. There was supposed to be three of us going and maybe my boss from my school but it ended up being just me. I really wanted to go, so I did go all by my lonesome. I got there in plenty of time but the tables were getting full. I went to a table where nobody was and got out my "Story Request Letter" (which reminds me I should figure out how to put that here on my blog somewhere)and walked around handing out my letter. When I got back to the table there was two woman sitting at the table at the other end. I asked if they had seats saved and since they didn't I moved up next to them. They were so nice. They loved my book idea and started telling me some stories mostly of which had happened to a co-worker of theirs. The co-worker has been in food service a long time so she has lots of stories. They introduced me to her since she was attending and she said she would call me to set up a time for me to meet with her to get some stories. How awesome is that? I am very excited to have some one who wants to sit with me and discuss stories for my book. She too was very nice and seems to have a great sense of humor so I know I will be in for a treat when I talk with her.
I had a great time at the meeting and I hope to have done some networking for my book. Lunch ladies are always a fun, nice, and a warm group of people. All wanting to do their job to the best of their ability. I am so glad to be a part of them. It also helps that I won the 50/50 drawing. Yep, won $35 that will come in handy in the pursuit of my book. How cool is that?
Work is moving along smoothly. There is actually some room in my freezer. That doesn't happen very often. I think even my storeroom is looking better. We are winding down now in school food service. I think we are somewhere around 45 days left. Can you believe it? Then summer break. Ahh..... can't wait.
My son will be home in just about a month from college. We can't wait for that either.
I have some other things to discuss but I think I will blog about that another day. One blog will be about my "closing thought for Toastmasters" and the other will be about a comment my visiting sister-in-law made about school food. I bet'ca can't wait for that one. ha ha
Till next time.. All is well....
I went to a Chapter dinner meeting tonight. There was supposed to be three of us going and maybe my boss from my school but it ended up being just me. I really wanted to go, so I did go all by my lonesome. I got there in plenty of time but the tables were getting full. I went to a table where nobody was and got out my "Story Request Letter" (which reminds me I should figure out how to put that here on my blog somewhere)and walked around handing out my letter. When I got back to the table there was two woman sitting at the table at the other end. I asked if they had seats saved and since they didn't I moved up next to them. They were so nice. They loved my book idea and started telling me some stories mostly of which had happened to a co-worker of theirs. The co-worker has been in food service a long time so she has lots of stories. They introduced me to her since she was attending and she said she would call me to set up a time for me to meet with her to get some stories. How awesome is that? I am very excited to have some one who wants to sit with me and discuss stories for my book. She too was very nice and seems to have a great sense of humor so I know I will be in for a treat when I talk with her.
I had a great time at the meeting and I hope to have done some networking for my book. Lunch ladies are always a fun, nice, and a warm group of people. All wanting to do their job to the best of their ability. I am so glad to be a part of them. It also helps that I won the 50/50 drawing. Yep, won $35 that will come in handy in the pursuit of my book. How cool is that?
Work is moving along smoothly. There is actually some room in my freezer. That doesn't happen very often. I think even my storeroom is looking better. We are winding down now in school food service. I think we are somewhere around 45 days left. Can you believe it? Then summer break. Ahh..... can't wait.
My son will be home in just about a month from college. We can't wait for that either.
I have some other things to discuss but I think I will blog about that another day. One blog will be about my "closing thought for Toastmasters" and the other will be about a comment my visiting sister-in-law made about school food. I bet'ca can't wait for that one. ha ha
Till next time.. All is well....
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
What have I gotten myself into?
Tonight I went to Toastmasters. I had taken a life-coaching class late last year and somebody suggested to me that Toastmasters would be a good way for me to improve my confidence with speaking. You see, I sometimes get tongue-tied when I talk to people, (mostly people that I feel are... more educated than I or people that have authority over me).
I have no problems speaking, hosting and bantering at our holiday Christmas party at work which I help to plan (a few drinks always helps), however, I would like to be able to have confidence and speak with clarity and purpose to others (not just my co-workers).
So, I joined Toastmasters in the hope of achieving my goals and dreams of "public speaking". The Toastmasters I joined is a very warm and inviting group of people. Looks like them come from all walks of life and I am hoping I can blend in. Tonight they had three speeches. They were very good. They had a speech that was done as an interview with two people. One person was the interviewer and asked questions of the others. Long story short, they ended with a town meeting type venue where they were asking who would like to be "board members" in July. They needed a President, VP, VP Education, VP Education, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Sgt of Arms (that person was continuing in that position).
I sat there thinking "oh... this is my third I want to get this involved?" I listened to them explain the duties of various positions and I had my eye on one but I didn't speak up in time so somebody took that one. Then I saw the secretary position and thought "hmmm, I could do that". Before my lunch lady days, I was a secretary for 14 years so I am sure I could take some minutes of the meeting. But did I really want to make this kind of commitment to something fairly new to me?
Well, once I raised my hand, I knew it was all over. Of course, now I will be the proud new "Secretary" of the Toastmaster's club in July. Good Lord! What have I done.
One of the people who was involved in the Interview speech said something about "Giving", Giving back. Getting involved in something that is worthwhile. That is what helped me raised my hand. I believe that you have to give to get back. And what a great way to do it. Volunteer my time at a club that is meaningful, has a great purpose, a great track record, and will help (hopefully) me immensely in my goal of being a confident speaker. It also helps with the commitment part. If your secretary, you have to be there. You can't just sit there every meeting not participate. So I figure being the secretary will speed along my process of getting involved.
So, I am looking forward to my new adventures at Toastmasters. I am sure you will get to read about some of them. Next week, I am the "WORD MASTER". I have to choose a word, explain the meaning and keep track of who all uses it. (the goal is for people to use the word in their speeches or whenever they address the toastmasters.)
My mind is already buzzing about what word I would like to use. Nothing like jumping right in, head first into the unknown. Should be fun.
I got an invitation to another Chapter meeting next week. I am going! I'll pass along my request for story letter. Hopefully it will generate some more stories.
All is well.....
I have no problems speaking, hosting and bantering at our holiday Christmas party at work which I help to plan (a few drinks always helps), however, I would like to be able to have confidence and speak with clarity and purpose to others (not just my co-workers).
So, I joined Toastmasters in the hope of achieving my goals and dreams of "public speaking". The Toastmasters I joined is a very warm and inviting group of people. Looks like them come from all walks of life and I am hoping I can blend in. Tonight they had three speeches. They were very good. They had a speech that was done as an interview with two people. One person was the interviewer and asked questions of the others. Long story short, they ended with a town meeting type venue where they were asking who would like to be "board members" in July. They needed a President, VP, VP Education, VP Education, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Sgt of Arms (that person was continuing in that position).
I sat there thinking "oh... this is my third I want to get this involved?" I listened to them explain the duties of various positions and I had my eye on one but I didn't speak up in time so somebody took that one. Then I saw the secretary position and thought "hmmm, I could do that". Before my lunch lady days, I was a secretary for 14 years so I am sure I could take some minutes of the meeting. But did I really want to make this kind of commitment to something fairly new to me?
Well, once I raised my hand, I knew it was all over. Of course, now I will be the proud new "Secretary" of the Toastmaster's club in July. Good Lord! What have I done.
One of the people who was involved in the Interview speech said something about "Giving", Giving back. Getting involved in something that is worthwhile. That is what helped me raised my hand. I believe that you have to give to get back. And what a great way to do it. Volunteer my time at a club that is meaningful, has a great purpose, a great track record, and will help (hopefully) me immensely in my goal of being a confident speaker. It also helps with the commitment part. If your secretary, you have to be there. You can't just sit there every meeting not participate. So I figure being the secretary will speed along my process of getting involved.
So, I am looking forward to my new adventures at Toastmasters. I am sure you will get to read about some of them. Next week, I am the "WORD MASTER". I have to choose a word, explain the meaning and keep track of who all uses it. (the goal is for people to use the word in their speeches or whenever they address the toastmasters.)
My mind is already buzzing about what word I would like to use. Nothing like jumping right in, head first into the unknown. Should be fun.
I got an invitation to another Chapter meeting next week. I am going! I'll pass along my request for story letter. Hopefully it will generate some more stories.
All is well.....
Thursday, March 20, 2008
What Inspires Me?
I haven't posted a blog for a while. Everyday I think "I should blog today" but then I am thinking "what would I blog about". Things at work are moving along "uneventfully", which is always a good thing! My son is back at College doing his thing. (He made it safe and sound and without any car problems).
So, what inspires me to blog? Hmmm...Well, I saw a article today that inspired me. I subscribe to a website called CAFEMOM. It is a site for women (I think it is mostly women, but who knows) and I got an email about some postings lately so I checked it out. There was an article with comments about a student that was suspended for buying Skittles (yes, that is Skittles, the little candy pieces) at school. Of course I have many questions that the article didn't answer for me. But the article from CNN says the an 8th grader bought a bag of Skittles from a classmate at school, which violates School Wellness Policy which bans candy sales. The student was suspended, stripped of his title of Class VP, barred from his honors dinner. OMG!
The article says that the student didn't know that his candy purchase was against the rules but he did notice that the student selling the Skittles was being "secretive". Is that what it has come to in our school. Doing back-alley or back-hallway deals to get a sugar rush? Are kids meeting out by the dumpsters to make a deal in an attempt to get a bite of something they enjoy such as a little piece of candy? Is a little bag of candy being considered a drug like crack or heroin, or marijuana (I had to look those words up since I don't even know how to spell them, would the spell check know? hmm...) anyway, what the heck is going on.
So, as I like to ask questions, here are some of mine. What happened to the little entrepreneur that was selling the candy? Did he get suspended too? Are they doing hard time in the school library? Do they have to eat an approved wellness committee school lunch from now on? (sorry, just kidding about that one). How enforced is that school districts "zero-tolerance for candy policy" enforced? (Can you believe they have that?) What is available at the schools district office or at their school board dinners or meetings? How much was the Skittles selling for? What was the mark-up and his profit margin? Was the entrepreneur trying to raise his college tuition money? (and if so, "you go boy"). Who bought the Skittles? Was it the kids Mom? Dad? Did the kid selling the Skittles but them "on the streets"? Was the buyer assured the Skittles were the same quality as what the buyer could buy at the grocery store in the checkout line? What was the size of the bag of Skittles? A small one you buy for .50 (I am guessing, I don't actually like Skittles) or a big gigantic bag that you can get at a Wholesale Warehouse like BJ's or Costco's?
Did the buyer get all "jacked up on the sugar rush" from his bag of Skittles, did he hurt someone, fail a test, talk back to the teacher or all of the above? Could he pass a urine test? Ok, I am joking about the urine test but.... will it come to that? Schools having such a hard line about wellness they randomly test the urine of our kids for sugar (Skittles, Reese Pieces, Kit Kat's, Nerds, etc)
I don't know.....
Here is what I know for sure. I am sure that the bag of Skittles didn't make that one child who bought them "fat, obese, overweight". I also know that I too enjoy a piece of candy now and then, ok... you got me (those of you that know me), more often than now and then and while I feel guilty every time I eat something like that, I know I am not going to Hell because of it. I know that no longer being allowed to be VP of your class and being barred from an honors dinner (hey that reminds me, at the honor's dinner, what is being served for dessert?)is harsh. Yes, he broke a rule and probably needs to be made aware of that (and I am sure he is very aware now) but I am sure there are much more creative ways for the student to pay his penance. How about writing an essay on wellness or entrepreneurship or something of that nature. (Writing an essay for my son would be the worse punishment in the world).
Anyway.. A great story for my book, which is moving along. I have a Chapter dinner meeting in April coming up and I am thrilled to be handing out my story request letter.
Thank goodness for an article that inspired me to blog. Also helps to have the extra days off for Easter break. Love this job!
All is well.......
So, what inspires me to blog? Hmmm...Well, I saw a article today that inspired me. I subscribe to a website called CAFEMOM. It is a site for women (I think it is mostly women, but who knows) and I got an email about some postings lately so I checked it out. There was an article with comments about a student that was suspended for buying Skittles (yes, that is Skittles, the little candy pieces) at school. Of course I have many questions that the article didn't answer for me. But the article from CNN says the an 8th grader bought a bag of Skittles from a classmate at school, which violates School Wellness Policy which bans candy sales. The student was suspended, stripped of his title of Class VP, barred from his honors dinner. OMG!
The article says that the student didn't know that his candy purchase was against the rules but he did notice that the student selling the Skittles was being "secretive". Is that what it has come to in our school. Doing back-alley or back-hallway deals to get a sugar rush? Are kids meeting out by the dumpsters to make a deal in an attempt to get a bite of something they enjoy such as a little piece of candy? Is a little bag of candy being considered a drug like crack or heroin, or marijuana (I had to look those words up since I don't even know how to spell them, would the spell check know? hmm...) anyway, what the heck is going on.
So, as I like to ask questions, here are some of mine. What happened to the little entrepreneur that was selling the candy? Did he get suspended too? Are they doing hard time in the school library? Do they have to eat an approved wellness committee school lunch from now on? (sorry, just kidding about that one). How enforced is that school districts "zero-tolerance for candy policy" enforced? (Can you believe they have that?) What is available at the schools district office or at their school board dinners or meetings? How much was the Skittles selling for? What was the mark-up and his profit margin? Was the entrepreneur trying to raise his college tuition money? (and if so, "you go boy"). Who bought the Skittles? Was it the kids Mom? Dad? Did the kid selling the Skittles but them "on the streets"? Was the buyer assured the Skittles were the same quality as what the buyer could buy at the grocery store in the checkout line? What was the size of the bag of Skittles? A small one you buy for .50 (I am guessing, I don't actually like Skittles) or a big gigantic bag that you can get at a Wholesale Warehouse like BJ's or Costco's?
Did the buyer get all "jacked up on the sugar rush" from his bag of Skittles, did he hurt someone, fail a test, talk back to the teacher or all of the above? Could he pass a urine test? Ok, I am joking about the urine test but.... will it come to that? Schools having such a hard line about wellness they randomly test the urine of our kids for sugar (Skittles, Reese Pieces, Kit Kat's, Nerds, etc)
I don't know.....
Here is what I know for sure. I am sure that the bag of Skittles didn't make that one child who bought them "fat, obese, overweight". I also know that I too enjoy a piece of candy now and then, ok... you got me (those of you that know me), more often than now and then and while I feel guilty every time I eat something like that, I know I am not going to Hell because of it. I know that no longer being allowed to be VP of your class and being barred from an honors dinner (hey that reminds me, at the honor's dinner, what is being served for dessert?)is harsh. Yes, he broke a rule and probably needs to be made aware of that (and I am sure he is very aware now) but I am sure there are much more creative ways for the student to pay his penance. How about writing an essay on wellness or entrepreneurship or something of that nature. (Writing an essay for my son would be the worse punishment in the world).
Anyway.. A great story for my book, which is moving along. I have a Chapter dinner meeting in April coming up and I am thrilled to be handing out my story request letter.
Thank goodness for an article that inspired me to blog. Also helps to have the extra days off for Easter break. Love this job!
All is well.......
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Come Hell or Highwater!
My son came home for spring break. We are always so happy to have him back. He was coming home with two riders (two very nice young ladies who's parents come to our house to take them home). We always ask him to call us when he leaves Ithaca, NY. The weather was concerning since it was very, very rainy and in Ithaca it was saying afternoon ice. He called us around 10:00 am on Saturday and said he was leaving. Around 11:00 he calls and I can hear in his voice something is wrong. He asks for his father. I gave the phone to my husband, feeling that sinking feeling you get when you know something is wrong. I didn't even ask my son what was wrong, I just handed the phone to my husband, scared to death, the pit in your stomach aching, making you want to throw up.
Turns out he is fine, but his Pathfinder died. Died right there on Route 81 about 2 3/4 to 3 hours away from us. It's hard to think straight when your mind is racing about how to help your child. I immediately knew we were going to get him so while they were on the phone I am yelling instructions to my husband and asking information like where is he, while mile sign, what town. My son knew that he had just came off Rt 17 and just got on Rt 82 and Bingington was where they thought they were.
We get as much information as we can and I pack some water, fruit, sodas, our GPS, and off we go. We have Triple A, but how much help would they be? Should we call them first and wait to see what happens? We decided to head out first since we didn't want to waste time in case they couldn't get it started. My husband figured that my son had gone through puddles of water that might have stalled out the SUV. He thought that after it dried out some, it might start, but we had no way of knowing if that would happen.
Now I am talking really rainy, foggy, miserable weather for anyone to drive much less me when I am worried. I had my day already planned. I thought I would make something for my son to eat when he got home and then I had a party to go to around 6:00. I was just going to hang around and do some cleaning until my son got home.
On the way to get our son we called Triple A and had them go get my son and his two riders and get them off the highway and to a safe place. The three of them seemed in good spirits so we were glad they were doing ok. Thank goodness for cell phones and how the heck did we get along without them? When we got to the end of the turnpike we pulled over and called our son and he gave us the name of the place where they were. Also thank goodness for the GPS. I honestly don't know how we would have found them without it.
They had taken the SUV to a Firestone Store. They were just checking it out when we got there. Turns out the Alternator died which in turn, killed the battery. They said they could fix it and it would take about 2-3 hours to get the parts and get it running. We had to make a decision as to whether I should get going and take the girls to our house or whether we should all wait for it to be fixed just in case there were problems of another nature on the way home. We decided to wait so we could all go home together. I was very worried about the girls. I was also worried about their parents. I knew they were in constant touch with their parents and I was wondering how upset they were. We felt really responsible for them and I knew it would be late when we got home, plus I was probably going to miss the 50th birthday party that I was looking forward to.
We went to get something to eat and got back around 5:00. Turns out they were just finishing up and the SUV was ready to go. I am very grateful for that Firestone Store, they were very nice and got us on our way in record time. So, off we went. The girls with me and husband and son in the newly fixed SUV. It was fun being with the "girls". I don't get to spend much time with 18-19 year old girls. I learned a lot. We got home around 7:00. The parents were so nice about everything. Even paid my son for gas (which we tried to refuse but they wouldn't hear of it) AND bought us some of the yummiest pastries I have every seen. Such nice people.
AND, I WAS AT MY PARTY AT 9:20. Come hell or high water (and we had lots of high water, it was flooded here and many of the roads were blocked off)I was going to my party. A quick shower, change of clothes and out the door I went. I think I am quite a trooper! One of the last things one of the girls said as they left was "are you going to your party". And I wasn't sure at that moment. But then I thought, I would be disappointed is I didn't even try to go. So, I went to my party. Good for me! And I had a good time.
I think I am actually glad the weekend if over. It was too busy. I need a vacation from my weekend.
And, guess what. I am off Wednesday. Teacher in-service day. Hooray! Gotta love this job.
Ahhh, All is well.
Turns out he is fine, but his Pathfinder died. Died right there on Route 81 about 2 3/4 to 3 hours away from us. It's hard to think straight when your mind is racing about how to help your child. I immediately knew we were going to get him so while they were on the phone I am yelling instructions to my husband and asking information like where is he, while mile sign, what town. My son knew that he had just came off Rt 17 and just got on Rt 82 and Bingington was where they thought they were.
We get as much information as we can and I pack some water, fruit, sodas, our GPS, and off we go. We have Triple A, but how much help would they be? Should we call them first and wait to see what happens? We decided to head out first since we didn't want to waste time in case they couldn't get it started. My husband figured that my son had gone through puddles of water that might have stalled out the SUV. He thought that after it dried out some, it might start, but we had no way of knowing if that would happen.
Now I am talking really rainy, foggy, miserable weather for anyone to drive much less me when I am worried. I had my day already planned. I thought I would make something for my son to eat when he got home and then I had a party to go to around 6:00. I was just going to hang around and do some cleaning until my son got home.
On the way to get our son we called Triple A and had them go get my son and his two riders and get them off the highway and to a safe place. The three of them seemed in good spirits so we were glad they were doing ok. Thank goodness for cell phones and how the heck did we get along without them? When we got to the end of the turnpike we pulled over and called our son and he gave us the name of the place where they were. Also thank goodness for the GPS. I honestly don't know how we would have found them without it.
They had taken the SUV to a Firestone Store. They were just checking it out when we got there. Turns out the Alternator died which in turn, killed the battery. They said they could fix it and it would take about 2-3 hours to get the parts and get it running. We had to make a decision as to whether I should get going and take the girls to our house or whether we should all wait for it to be fixed just in case there were problems of another nature on the way home. We decided to wait so we could all go home together. I was very worried about the girls. I was also worried about their parents. I knew they were in constant touch with their parents and I was wondering how upset they were. We felt really responsible for them and I knew it would be late when we got home, plus I was probably going to miss the 50th birthday party that I was looking forward to.
We went to get something to eat and got back around 5:00. Turns out they were just finishing up and the SUV was ready to go. I am very grateful for that Firestone Store, they were very nice and got us on our way in record time. So, off we went. The girls with me and husband and son in the newly fixed SUV. It was fun being with the "girls". I don't get to spend much time with 18-19 year old girls. I learned a lot. We got home around 7:00. The parents were so nice about everything. Even paid my son for gas (which we tried to refuse but they wouldn't hear of it) AND bought us some of the yummiest pastries I have every seen. Such nice people.
AND, I WAS AT MY PARTY AT 9:20. Come hell or high water (and we had lots of high water, it was flooded here and many of the roads were blocked off)I was going to my party. A quick shower, change of clothes and out the door I went. I think I am quite a trooper! One of the last things one of the girls said as they left was "are you going to your party". And I wasn't sure at that moment. But then I thought, I would be disappointed is I didn't even try to go. So, I went to my party. Good for me! And I had a good time.
I think I am actually glad the weekend if over. It was too busy. I need a vacation from my weekend.
And, guess what. I am off Wednesday. Teacher in-service day. Hooray! Gotta love this job.
Ahhh, All is well.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Contusion of the knee
On Tuesday this week, the staff member that had been out with the broken wrist, came back to work. She and we, we very excited. Our full team, back together again. It was a busy day but we were breathing a sigh of relief that things could get back to normal. However, it wouldn't be a normal week. We had our "dreaded sundae bar". Sundae bar is when you buy a lunch, you get a free sundae bar. Sundae bar consists of ice cream and various toppings. You have to make sure you have everything in stock, set it all up, and be ready for a crazy day. The kids love sundae bar. It comes free with your lunch purchase. Remember I said lunch purchase. This is a hard concept for the kids. Everybody wants a sundae but not everybody has money for one. It is another opportunity to set up the lunch lady to be the bad guy. If a child doesn't have money on their card and they don't buy lunch, I can't give them a sundae bar. You have kids coming at you from everywhere on sundae bar day. Some have the extra $1.25 it cost if you don't buy lunch, and some just have their cards, with or without money on the card.
Sundae bar days are the craziest days of the year. We have four of them a year. This time it was every crazier since the day our staff member came back from being off with her wrist, I fell and hurt my knee. YUP, I DID. I thought I would stay late and slice some ham that I would be needing. After I was done slicing, I cleaned the slicer and started cleaning up. I took the parts of the slicer that I had taken off that needed to be run through the dishwasher, and started my way back to the dishwasher with parts in my arms. I walked off of our slip resistant mat and lost my footing. I did that awkward couple of large bumbling steps that happens when you are headed into a free fall. It is amazing how quick the brain can think. Immediately I was thinking that I was going to fall right on top of the equipment I was carrying. Now these are slicer parts. Hard, blunt type parts. I didn't want my face to end up laying on top of the parts so I kind of tossed the parts into the air with outstretched arms so I wouldn't land on them. And, it worked I didn't land on the parts. I did though, land as if I was sliding into homeplate in the bottom of the ninth inning of a tied game in the world series.
Oh the pain! As I laid there all kind of thoughts run through your head. First, did anybody see me? God I hope not. Was I alive? Sure I was, was I hurt, hmmmmm, let's see. My wrist seemed ok except for a small nick with a brush burn. My face seemed ok, thank you Jesus! My knee, oh boy... it hurt. I rolled over and looked for blood, there was none. That had to be a good sign, right? I gingerly got up, everything hurt now. The brush burns were beginning to burn, my chest hurt from the thump onto the concrete floor, my arms hurt. The only thing that didn't hurt was my feet, that always hurt.
I gingerly got up and took a few steps. Ok, I can still walk. I picked up the pieces of the slicer that I had tossed and put them in the dishroom. I knew my knee was injured. So, I figured if the school nurse was still there, I better go see her and report the accident just in case I can't walk in the morning.
The nurse had me sit and looked at my knee which was already swelling up. She gave me ice and bandaged it up and sent me straight to the doctor. The doctor checked me out and told me I had "very loose kneecaps, has anybody ever told you that before?", Hmmm, why the heck would somebody tell me that? I didn't know there was any such thing as loose kneecaps. Whatever they are, I got 'em.
The doctor wanted an X-Ray before I could go back to work to be sure it wasn't fractured. So, the next morning I made an appointment for 8:30 and hoped to be back at work in plenty of time for sundae bar. The hospital that took the X-ray assured me they would be read the X-ray and call the doctor asap with the results. "Go home and wait they said". So, I waited, and waited, and waited. Sundae bar came and gone while I was waiting at home. I was very upset about having someone else (especially a just returning injured staff) do the register on one of the the hardest register day's of the year. But, I had no choice. I was at the mercy of the hospital and their timetable. They don't run on a lunch lady timetable.
The results showed I had a Contusion of the Knee with osteoarthritis. Or, a bad bruise. I could go back to work if I had to but I should be off till Monday. No way. Lunch ladies do not take days off for a "contusion of the knee". Hell NO! So back to work I went the next day. Just in time for Dominos Day, another busy register day.
So, quite a week it was. Glad its over. We are saying we are going to wrap our other staff member in bubble wrap so she doesn't get hurt. Sounds like a good idea.
We have Wednesday off next week. Yeah! And my son is coming home this week for Spring Break. We can't wait to see him. Should be a great week coming up. Barring no "accidents".
Ahhhhh.... All is well.
Sundae bar days are the craziest days of the year. We have four of them a year. This time it was every crazier since the day our staff member came back from being off with her wrist, I fell and hurt my knee. YUP, I DID. I thought I would stay late and slice some ham that I would be needing. After I was done slicing, I cleaned the slicer and started cleaning up. I took the parts of the slicer that I had taken off that needed to be run through the dishwasher, and started my way back to the dishwasher with parts in my arms. I walked off of our slip resistant mat and lost my footing. I did that awkward couple of large bumbling steps that happens when you are headed into a free fall. It is amazing how quick the brain can think. Immediately I was thinking that I was going to fall right on top of the equipment I was carrying. Now these are slicer parts. Hard, blunt type parts. I didn't want my face to end up laying on top of the parts so I kind of tossed the parts into the air with outstretched arms so I wouldn't land on them. And, it worked I didn't land on the parts. I did though, land as if I was sliding into homeplate in the bottom of the ninth inning of a tied game in the world series.
Oh the pain! As I laid there all kind of thoughts run through your head. First, did anybody see me? God I hope not. Was I alive? Sure I was, was I hurt, hmmmmm, let's see. My wrist seemed ok except for a small nick with a brush burn. My face seemed ok, thank you Jesus! My knee, oh boy... it hurt. I rolled over and looked for blood, there was none. That had to be a good sign, right? I gingerly got up, everything hurt now. The brush burns were beginning to burn, my chest hurt from the thump onto the concrete floor, my arms hurt. The only thing that didn't hurt was my feet, that always hurt.
I gingerly got up and took a few steps. Ok, I can still walk. I picked up the pieces of the slicer that I had tossed and put them in the dishroom. I knew my knee was injured. So, I figured if the school nurse was still there, I better go see her and report the accident just in case I can't walk in the morning.
The nurse had me sit and looked at my knee which was already swelling up. She gave me ice and bandaged it up and sent me straight to the doctor. The doctor checked me out and told me I had "very loose kneecaps, has anybody ever told you that before?", Hmmm, why the heck would somebody tell me that? I didn't know there was any such thing as loose kneecaps. Whatever they are, I got 'em.
The doctor wanted an X-Ray before I could go back to work to be sure it wasn't fractured. So, the next morning I made an appointment for 8:30 and hoped to be back at work in plenty of time for sundae bar. The hospital that took the X-ray assured me they would be read the X-ray and call the doctor asap with the results. "Go home and wait they said". So, I waited, and waited, and waited. Sundae bar came and gone while I was waiting at home. I was very upset about having someone else (especially a just returning injured staff) do the register on one of the the hardest register day's of the year. But, I had no choice. I was at the mercy of the hospital and their timetable. They don't run on a lunch lady timetable.
The results showed I had a Contusion of the Knee with osteoarthritis. Or, a bad bruise. I could go back to work if I had to but I should be off till Monday. No way. Lunch ladies do not take days off for a "contusion of the knee". Hell NO! So back to work I went the next day. Just in time for Dominos Day, another busy register day.
So, quite a week it was. Glad its over. We are saying we are going to wrap our other staff member in bubble wrap so she doesn't get hurt. Sounds like a good idea.
We have Wednesday off next week. Yeah! And my son is coming home this week for Spring Break. We can't wait to see him. Should be a great week coming up. Barring no "accidents".
Ahhhhh.... All is well.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Pennies from Heaven?
Been a while since I have posted. I have been trying to catch up with so many things. I am involved with contract negotiations between our school food service staff and the school district. We have a 'Good faith" type contract. We are not involved in a union. Most of all the other groups in the school district employees are unionized at this point. I certainly don't want to pay union dues but contract negotiations are hard when you don't know much about the whole process. We have been trying to get some other schools contracts but since most are now union, they don't want to give up the information as to wages, etc. In the past our process has been to get a committee together, talk about what changes we would like in our contract, what type of salary increases we would like, etc. Then we give our list to the school board's committee, then they come back and tell us what we are getting. That is pretty much how it goes. Not much negotiating going on. We put a lot of time and energy into meeting and discussing. Maybe this time it will be worthwhile for us. Wish us luck!!
One of my staff is still out with her broken wrist. She is so anxious to come back and we are so anxious to have her back. I have had many substitutes at this point. Twice, even the substitute covering for the staff was sick. So, we had a sub for the sub. Good Lord! All the subs have been great and we have been very lucky to have them. However, get well soon staff! We will take you one armed and all.
Did you see the story on the news about the school in NJ (a middle school)the students started paying for their lunches in pennies? It was on the news today so I went online to the TV station website and checked out the article. The article says it started out as a prank, but then everyone started saying they were protesting against how short their lunch time was. You can read the article at: The news report on TV said that the students never raised concerns about the shortened lunch before. Why did they think the lunch ladies had any control of how much time they get for lunch? I guarantee they don't. The article also said that the "lunch ladies are not authorized to put in their TWO CENTS (ha ha for the pun)but they said they felt disrespected. HELLO?? I guess so! I don't even like when I get 5 pennies much less 200 per student. Counting all those pennies in line must have slowed the line tremendously. And, I would have counted every single penny! I mean every one.
One of the parents interviewed said the detention their kid got was unfair. 29 students got two day detentions. 29 x 200 pennies = 5,800 pennies (the article did the math, not me). Beleive me, it was more than fair!
One of the parents actually did say that her son who bought in pennies would have to face the consequences and that "the detention will send a message to him that what you're going to do effects other people". GOOD FOR HER! The news report showed the lunch ladies with their aprons leaving the school. They were probably told not to comment. That would have killed me. I would have loved to give MY TWO CENTS (sorry for the pun again) on camera!
I am wondering if this will start some kind of chain reaction. I can just see us lunch ladies now, getting all those pennies. I hope not!
Just goes to show what we put up with, daily. We seem to get the brunt of everybody's unresolved issues about somthing. Yeah, I know I am whining now, sorry. But it feels justified.
I know it is a great story for my book. I plan on contacting those lunch ladies at the Readington Middle School. I hope they will talk to me.
I have been sending out my "Story Request Letter" to a few schools in some school districts around PA. I am trying to do 25 per weekend. I am sending them to NJ schools today. I got one story so far. I am so thankful for that and for that nice person who took the time to contact me with her wonderful story. Thank YOU!
I also joined Toastmasters. I think it will be a great experience for me. I can't wait to get started. I think the public speaking with help me immensly with my book marketing.
Just a few more weeks to spring break for us. My son is coming home next weekend. We can't wait to see him. He'll be home for a week. We are really looking forward to it. I better start stocking up food and juice now!
Till next time. All is well........
One of my staff is still out with her broken wrist. She is so anxious to come back and we are so anxious to have her back. I have had many substitutes at this point. Twice, even the substitute covering for the staff was sick. So, we had a sub for the sub. Good Lord! All the subs have been great and we have been very lucky to have them. However, get well soon staff! We will take you one armed and all.
Did you see the story on the news about the school in NJ (a middle school)the students started paying for their lunches in pennies? It was on the news today so I went online to the TV station website and checked out the article. The article says it started out as a prank, but then everyone started saying they were protesting against how short their lunch time was. You can read the article at: The news report on TV said that the students never raised concerns about the shortened lunch before. Why did they think the lunch ladies had any control of how much time they get for lunch? I guarantee they don't. The article also said that the "lunch ladies are not authorized to put in their TWO CENTS (ha ha for the pun)but they said they felt disrespected. HELLO?? I guess so! I don't even like when I get 5 pennies much less 200 per student. Counting all those pennies in line must have slowed the line tremendously. And, I would have counted every single penny! I mean every one.
One of the parents interviewed said the detention their kid got was unfair. 29 students got two day detentions. 29 x 200 pennies = 5,800 pennies (the article did the math, not me). Beleive me, it was more than fair!
One of the parents actually did say that her son who bought in pennies would have to face the consequences and that "the detention will send a message to him that what you're going to do effects other people". GOOD FOR HER! The news report showed the lunch ladies with their aprons leaving the school. They were probably told not to comment. That would have killed me. I would have loved to give MY TWO CENTS (sorry for the pun again) on camera!
I am wondering if this will start some kind of chain reaction. I can just see us lunch ladies now, getting all those pennies. I hope not!
Just goes to show what we put up with, daily. We seem to get the brunt of everybody's unresolved issues about somthing. Yeah, I know I am whining now, sorry. But it feels justified.
I know it is a great story for my book. I plan on contacting those lunch ladies at the Readington Middle School. I hope they will talk to me.
I have been sending out my "Story Request Letter" to a few schools in some school districts around PA. I am trying to do 25 per weekend. I am sending them to NJ schools today. I got one story so far. I am so thankful for that and for that nice person who took the time to contact me with her wonderful story. Thank YOU!
I also joined Toastmasters. I think it will be a great experience for me. I can't wait to get started. I think the public speaking with help me immensly with my book marketing.
Just a few more weeks to spring break for us. My son is coming home next weekend. We can't wait to see him. He'll be home for a week. We are really looking forward to it. I better start stocking up food and juice now!
Till next time. All is well........
Monday, February 18, 2008
An Unexpected Story on a day off
Our school district had a teacher in-service day on Friday and Monday is President's day so we have a 4-day weekend. It was my mother's birthday on Saturday so I had her come stay the night with us. We were having a birthday dinner for her on Sunday. My mother had four children so we about 15-21 for a birthday dinner depending on who's working or who can't come. My son is at college in NY so he couldn't make it and my niece worked too. My nephew was away at the mountains with his grandparents, so he was not here either. It was a good time and the food came out pretty well. Now, back to the unexpected story.
My brother and sister-in-law came (there son was at the mountains) and she said she wanted to ask me something. She said my nephew got a ISS (in-school suspension). I said "oh no, what happened", however since she wanted to tell me, I knew it had to have something to do with lunch time or lunch ladies. They do not live in my school district.
She tells me that my nephew was going through the lunch line and he "flicked a french fry at his friend, but it missed and hit the lunch lady". Hmmm. Of course I had been celebrating my mom's birthday with a margarita (or two) so I wasn't thinking as clearly or as quickly as I wish I would have been. (Hey, I am the oldest of us four kids so I deserve to celebrate (being the oldest and having all the "first of four children - birth order issues.") Anyway, my sister-in-law said it was an accident, which I truly believe. She said that the lunch lady was very, very upset. However, my being a lunch lady puts me in an ackward position. I said "in-school suspension does seem a bit harsh, I too would have been upset since he was fooling around in line, which he shouldn't be doing". I am not sure if I would have sent him to the principal or not. It probably would have depended on the kid, and his attitude at the time it happened. I certainly would have wanted a written apology which my sister-in-law said he did. I am pretty sure that I would have been upset if the child got an in-school suspension.
I told her that their lunch ladies are probably serving hundreds of kids in just a few minutes so there should be no fooling around. I admit I still think of my cute, blond haired, youngest of the grandkids as being the "littlest one". Later I remember he is in Jr. High. The stakes are much higher in Junior High. Once when I was working in our Jr. High there was a "food fight" and it was an experience I will never forget(got to remember that story for my book). The food fight erupted in the cafeteria (not in a lunch line) and food was flying everywhere. The teachers were running for cover, my boss at the time shut all our doors so no one could get in. Every wall had to be wiped down and cleaned. It was unbelievable. All the extra work! And it was scarey! Kids screaming and running around. So I imagine that there is probably a "No Tolerance" policy for such things that could possibly escalate in their school. And with my experience, I have to agree. Sorry my wonderful nephew. I love ya lots, but....... be good in the lunch line and cafeteria.
Thinking about the situation today, I wish I had asked more questions (this is where the margaritas came in). Where was he and how far did the french fry sail in order to hit the lunch lady? Did it maime her? How fast was the french fry going? What rate of speed? What was his immediate reaction to what happened? Has he had other issues in the lunch line? Does the lunch lady have any say in the punishment? How mad was she, I mean, spittin' nails mad or red in the face embarrased mad? I bet she was very embarrased. I think that the times when I got the maddest or had the most reaction when my son did something or when I got mad at work is when it embarrased me, or reflected badly on my parenting skills or lunch lady skills. I would recommend when things simmer down, my nephew should do something nice like, say he is sorry again to the lunch lady, and I mean look her in the eye and mean it. Let her see the impact it had on him. Tell her to have a nice day or smile at her. I have a few students that tell me that every day or always have a smile. They say please and thank you. It makes a big difference when you deal with them as opposed to another child that never looks at you and doesn't seem to care about you. And I am not saying my nephew is like that. He has always treated me with respect, but any child can take a lessen from this experience. Don't you sometimes go to the clerk's line in the grocery store where you know the clerk is efficent and nice? Don't you respect when you get an apology or someone owns up to a mistake for something they did or said that was either unapporpriate or uncalled for? And yes, when I see my nephew at Easter (we are celebrating his birthday) I will try and get some details (and thank him for a story for my book).
My story request letter is out at many of the schools since I have been passing it around at the Chapter meetings. Wouldn't it be the funniest thing if I get a story from a lunch lady with a story about "being hit by a sailing french fry?" That would really make my day (and my book)!
Back to work tomorrow, then two weeks with no day off. Bummer!!
Ahhhhhh, All is well.
My brother and sister-in-law came (there son was at the mountains) and she said she wanted to ask me something. She said my nephew got a ISS (in-school suspension). I said "oh no, what happened", however since she wanted to tell me, I knew it had to have something to do with lunch time or lunch ladies. They do not live in my school district.
She tells me that my nephew was going through the lunch line and he "flicked a french fry at his friend, but it missed and hit the lunch lady". Hmmm. Of course I had been celebrating my mom's birthday with a margarita (or two) so I wasn't thinking as clearly or as quickly as I wish I would have been. (Hey, I am the oldest of us four kids so I deserve to celebrate (being the oldest and having all the "first of four children - birth order issues.") Anyway, my sister-in-law said it was an accident, which I truly believe. She said that the lunch lady was very, very upset. However, my being a lunch lady puts me in an ackward position. I said "in-school suspension does seem a bit harsh, I too would have been upset since he was fooling around in line, which he shouldn't be doing". I am not sure if I would have sent him to the principal or not. It probably would have depended on the kid, and his attitude at the time it happened. I certainly would have wanted a written apology which my sister-in-law said he did. I am pretty sure that I would have been upset if the child got an in-school suspension.
I told her that their lunch ladies are probably serving hundreds of kids in just a few minutes so there should be no fooling around. I admit I still think of my cute, blond haired, youngest of the grandkids as being the "littlest one". Later I remember he is in Jr. High. The stakes are much higher in Junior High. Once when I was working in our Jr. High there was a "food fight" and it was an experience I will never forget(got to remember that story for my book). The food fight erupted in the cafeteria (not in a lunch line) and food was flying everywhere. The teachers were running for cover, my boss at the time shut all our doors so no one could get in. Every wall had to be wiped down and cleaned. It was unbelievable. All the extra work! And it was scarey! Kids screaming and running around. So I imagine that there is probably a "No Tolerance" policy for such things that could possibly escalate in their school. And with my experience, I have to agree. Sorry my wonderful nephew. I love ya lots, but....... be good in the lunch line and cafeteria.
Thinking about the situation today, I wish I had asked more questions (this is where the margaritas came in). Where was he and how far did the french fry sail in order to hit the lunch lady? Did it maime her? How fast was the french fry going? What rate of speed? What was his immediate reaction to what happened? Has he had other issues in the lunch line? Does the lunch lady have any say in the punishment? How mad was she, I mean, spittin' nails mad or red in the face embarrased mad? I bet she was very embarrased. I think that the times when I got the maddest or had the most reaction when my son did something or when I got mad at work is when it embarrased me, or reflected badly on my parenting skills or lunch lady skills. I would recommend when things simmer down, my nephew should do something nice like, say he is sorry again to the lunch lady, and I mean look her in the eye and mean it. Let her see the impact it had on him. Tell her to have a nice day or smile at her. I have a few students that tell me that every day or always have a smile. They say please and thank you. It makes a big difference when you deal with them as opposed to another child that never looks at you and doesn't seem to care about you. And I am not saying my nephew is like that. He has always treated me with respect, but any child can take a lessen from this experience. Don't you sometimes go to the clerk's line in the grocery store where you know the clerk is efficent and nice? Don't you respect when you get an apology or someone owns up to a mistake for something they did or said that was either unapporpriate or uncalled for? And yes, when I see my nephew at Easter (we are celebrating his birthday) I will try and get some details (and thank him for a story for my book).
My story request letter is out at many of the schools since I have been passing it around at the Chapter meetings. Wouldn't it be the funniest thing if I get a story from a lunch lady with a story about "being hit by a sailing french fry?" That would really make my day (and my book)!
Back to work tomorrow, then two weeks with no day off. Bummer!!
Ahhhhhh, All is well.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Two Hour Delay
The week has been going pretty well.
Last night the roads were snow covered so I didn't go out. I was going to attend another Chapter Dinner Meeting but it was cancelled due to the impending bad weather. I was really looking forward to handing out my Request for Stories Letter. Luckily the meeting is rescheduled for a date in two weeks.
Today however was a two hour delay. Do you know what that means for lunch ladies. It means absolutely "nothing". We still have to get in to get the food ready for the day. The kids still come in at the same time to eat lunch. So next time you climb back into bed after you either get the call for the delay or get the information on the school website or do it the old fashioned way of watching for your school on the TV, think of your lunch ladies who are already up and getting ready and leaving for work.
What else it means is that unless it is a menu item that we have had on that day before, you have no idea how much food to make. The kids came in to school today at 10:30-10:45. The lunch counts (these tell us what the students want and how much to make)came down to us between 10:45 and 11:15. The first kids come in to eat at
We were having "Breakfast for Lunch" today so I knew we would have a big lunch count day. However, we haven't had the Cinnamon French Toast Slice this year on a Wednesday opposite Chicken Patty and Bagel. I approximated what I would need (really it was just a guess)and got busy.
By 10:45 I was waiting for the counts and eagerly counting what they ordered. I was off on the chicken pattys and ran back to put another 30 in the oven. I think I did a pretty good job of estimating everything else.
Then the kids come in. Holy Smokes!!! You figure they got in school and had to run around getting all the morning stuff done in about the 1/2 hour they were there before it was lunch time. They came in all wound up. It reminded me of the horse races. The gates were opened and they took off into our line. Yippin and Yapping away. Pushing and shoving and all. Now I know my son will say "you knew it was going to happen so why do you let it get to you". But, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. But I will say, I don't think it bothered me as much as it used too. I understand why they were so excited. A short day at school. Remember when you were a kid? Everybody loved a shortened day. So, I tried to put myself in their shoes. However, they still were a bit tight. (Old dog and all).
They are saying it might freeze up tonight and may have another 2 hour delay tomorrow. Hmmmmm. Two deeps breaths...
The good news is that tomorrow is the last day of the week for us. We are off Friday and Monday. And, it is Valentine's Day you know. And pay day. You got to love this job!
Yes.. All is well....
Last night the roads were snow covered so I didn't go out. I was going to attend another Chapter Dinner Meeting but it was cancelled due to the impending bad weather. I was really looking forward to handing out my Request for Stories Letter. Luckily the meeting is rescheduled for a date in two weeks.
Today however was a two hour delay. Do you know what that means for lunch ladies. It means absolutely "nothing". We still have to get in to get the food ready for the day. The kids still come in at the same time to eat lunch. So next time you climb back into bed after you either get the call for the delay or get the information on the school website or do it the old fashioned way of watching for your school on the TV, think of your lunch ladies who are already up and getting ready and leaving for work.
What else it means is that unless it is a menu item that we have had on that day before, you have no idea how much food to make. The kids came in to school today at 10:30-10:45. The lunch counts (these tell us what the students want and how much to make)came down to us between 10:45 and 11:15. The first kids come in to eat at
We were having "Breakfast for Lunch" today so I knew we would have a big lunch count day. However, we haven't had the Cinnamon French Toast Slice this year on a Wednesday opposite Chicken Patty and Bagel. I approximated what I would need (really it was just a guess)and got busy.
By 10:45 I was waiting for the counts and eagerly counting what they ordered. I was off on the chicken pattys and ran back to put another 30 in the oven. I think I did a pretty good job of estimating everything else.
Then the kids come in. Holy Smokes!!! You figure they got in school and had to run around getting all the morning stuff done in about the 1/2 hour they were there before it was lunch time. They came in all wound up. It reminded me of the horse races. The gates were opened and they took off into our line. Yippin and Yapping away. Pushing and shoving and all. Now I know my son will say "you knew it was going to happen so why do you let it get to you". But, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. But I will say, I don't think it bothered me as much as it used too. I understand why they were so excited. A short day at school. Remember when you were a kid? Everybody loved a shortened day. So, I tried to put myself in their shoes. However, they still were a bit tight. (Old dog and all).
They are saying it might freeze up tonight and may have another 2 hour delay tomorrow. Hmmmmm. Two deeps breaths...
The good news is that tomorrow is the last day of the week for us. We are off Friday and Monday. And, it is Valentine's Day you know. And pay day. You got to love this job!
Yes.. All is well....
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Another Day, Another Two Dollars
This morning I drove to work as usual. The weather was unbelievable for Feb. 6th. 56 degrees when I left for work. I parked my truck, get out and slam/push the door shut. Bang was the sound I heard. The seat belt was stuck in the door opening. It happens all the time, so I pushed the seat belt back and shut the door again. Bang! it wouldn't shut, I checked the seat belt again and it was not in the way, slammed it shut, bang again! Somehow the little wheel or the track that allows the door to shut was not working. Crap! It was supposed to rain hard today with possible thunderstorms, not to mention how the heck can I drive it with the door open. It's 7:10 now and I was afraid my husband had already left for work. I called and he was still at home so he could come over to check it out. Lucky me, he can fix just about anything. I knew he had tools in his truck so I was hopeful he could fix it. I ran in to the school and put the breakfast things for the kids who eat breakfast at school into the warmer and hurried back out to wait for my husband. I wasn't even sure he remembered where the school was. A few minutes passed (which seems like an eternity when you are anxiously waiting) and I thought I better go back in and get my cell phone in case he called me back for directions. So, I ran back in, grabbed my cell phone and saw that I had missed his call.
I figured that if he didn't know where the school was, he would have left me a message or called back again. Within a few minutes, he did get there and checked out the lock. He fixed it in about 2 minutes flat. I kinda knew what needed to be done but didn't have the tools or the strength to turn the wheel. He "reset" the lock and it was fixed. Thank goodness! I am very grateful he was able to come and fix it so fast.
So that is how my day started.
Luckily, the rest of the day went well. Uneventful. I love that word, (with reference to work). Uneventful. Nothing bad happens, no surprises, just a good day. Uneventful.
A quick one line story for my book happened today. One of the students came in to buy an ice cream. It was between grades so I had went around the corner for something. I hear a little voice saying "Somebody NEEDS to be down here". Meaning I needed to be at the register. I replied, "Excuse me, somebody needs to wait a minute and have some patience." Hmmm. I wonder why that bothered me. Maybe because a child is telling me where I need to be. I guess I don't like that much.
After work I stopped at a new place to play the lottery. I play some numbers most days. If I get a real sense that a number is coming out, I go with it play it pretty regularly. I also like instant tickets. I have been buying the $2 Win for Life Instant Game. If you win one of the games on the card and you get three "LIFE" symbols you win $1,000 a week for life. Wouldn't that be really COOL. The man was there that owns the store and he told me (before I asked him for w Win for Life Ticket) that he had just received a check from the state for $10,000. He has two stores and at his other store somebody won the grand $1,000 a week. He actually took out the check and showed it to me. The retailer who sells the winning tickets get money too. I was very happy for him, but I wonder what the odds are that I could still win by buying one of those tickets. Hmmm. Is it a coincidence that I happen to go in a store where the owner just sold one of those tickets? I don't know. I wonder what the Universe is telling me. By the way, I won $2 on the ticket.
All in all, a good day. All is well.......
I figured that if he didn't know where the school was, he would have left me a message or called back again. Within a few minutes, he did get there and checked out the lock. He fixed it in about 2 minutes flat. I kinda knew what needed to be done but didn't have the tools or the strength to turn the wheel. He "reset" the lock and it was fixed. Thank goodness! I am very grateful he was able to come and fix it so fast.
So that is how my day started.
Luckily, the rest of the day went well. Uneventful. I love that word, (with reference to work). Uneventful. Nothing bad happens, no surprises, just a good day. Uneventful.
A quick one line story for my book happened today. One of the students came in to buy an ice cream. It was between grades so I had went around the corner for something. I hear a little voice saying "Somebody NEEDS to be down here". Meaning I needed to be at the register. I replied, "Excuse me, somebody needs to wait a minute and have some patience." Hmmm. I wonder why that bothered me. Maybe because a child is telling me where I need to be. I guess I don't like that much.
After work I stopped at a new place to play the lottery. I play some numbers most days. If I get a real sense that a number is coming out, I go with it play it pretty regularly. I also like instant tickets. I have been buying the $2 Win for Life Instant Game. If you win one of the games on the card and you get three "LIFE" symbols you win $1,000 a week for life. Wouldn't that be really COOL. The man was there that owns the store and he told me (before I asked him for w Win for Life Ticket) that he had just received a check from the state for $10,000. He has two stores and at his other store somebody won the grand $1,000 a week. He actually took out the check and showed it to me. The retailer who sells the winning tickets get money too. I was very happy for him, but I wonder what the odds are that I could still win by buying one of those tickets. Hmmm. Is it a coincidence that I happen to go in a store where the owner just sold one of those tickets? I don't know. I wonder what the Universe is telling me. By the way, I won $2 on the ticket.
All in all, a good day. All is well.......
Sunday, February 3, 2008
The Icy Winds of Change
On Friday 2/1/08 it was a bit icy on the sidewalks and roads around here. I gingerly stepped outside onto our pavers and saw that it was all ice. I managed to get to my truck which is only maybe 10 ft from my door and saw that the windshield was all ice too. I started up my truck and went on my way, hoping for the best. I had seen the salt truck go by our house several times so I knew that the roads would be at least salted, ice melted I didn't know, but regardless I had to get to work. You see, lunch ladies always get to work. There are no "wusses" in school food service. Luckily, the roads were heavily salted and I had no problem getting to work.
Time goes by quickly at work. I had a manager trainee in, to work with me/us for the day so I was busy with her, and busy responding to a parent email. I didn't notice that it was 9:20 and one of my staff was not yet in. I thought that there was probably traffic since I knew that the buses had been late arriving at school. Plus, this staff member has a child and I figured she probably was waiting for her bus to arrive before she came in. I knew that it was unusual for her not to have called if there was a problem, but I guess I was in denial that maybe something had prevented her from coming. (She had called my cell phone but of course, my battery was dead as usual)
Around 9:20 I did call her home and found out that she had fallen on the ice at her house and was at the emergency room with most likely a broken wrist. Holy Crap! I already had an extra person so I didn't need to get a substitute but our concern for how she was weighed heavily in the air.
We quickly got busy and were ready for the students on time. After serving time, she called us and told us that she did indeed break her wrist and has to have surgery to aid in the repair. I think she said they have to put a plate of some kind in her wrist. She will be out of work for quite awhile, she is thinking three weeks, but I feel with an injury that severe, it will probably be longer. We talked for a bit and we will check back with her on Monday night after her surgery.
I hung up the phone and repeated her plight to the other staff. We stood there for a moment letting it all sink in, then we wondered, "what does that mean for us". Well, I had no idea. So I got busy finding out. The person who handles these things is the same person who helped me with my "Breakfast session fiasco". I thought that she might hang up on me if I call her with another problem. But of course she didn't, (being one of the nicest persons I know.) She managed to get us a substitute that can work just about every day except for Wednesdays. This is good news. The sub is a very good worker and I am sure we will be just fine. And we only need another person for those Wednesdays.
But, things will certainly be different. When you work so closely with three people day in and day out you get into a routine. When someone is out, you kinda feel off balance. We will truly miss her and we can't wait for her return.
Other things going on are that we have decided to get busy with contract stuff. Our contract with the school district is up for renewal this year. We have to decide what we would like to ask for and we must ask "how much change are we ready for". Time will tell.
I am sure we will get through the following weeks, and I am thankful we have some extra days off coming up. I am thankful for a lot of things.
Thankful my staff member that hurt herself is ok and her injury is something that can be fixed.
I am thankful she will be back at some point.
I am thankful she has a loving husband and caring children that will help her through.
I am thankful for my other staff member that will pitch in and do her best to help things continue to move along smoothly.
I am thankful I spent a nice day with my mother today.
I am thankful I met a friend Friday night and we had a great time, laughing and talking. Mostly laughing.
I am thankful my son called and checked in with us Saturday night.
And, I am thankful to be, yes, just be. Thankful to be me and be happy with that. I don't know if I was ever thankful for that before.
Yes, change is good.
ahhhhhh... all is well.
(Sorry if there is spelling errors, the spell check won't work tonight).
Time goes by quickly at work. I had a manager trainee in, to work with me/us for the day so I was busy with her, and busy responding to a parent email. I didn't notice that it was 9:20 and one of my staff was not yet in. I thought that there was probably traffic since I knew that the buses had been late arriving at school. Plus, this staff member has a child and I figured she probably was waiting for her bus to arrive before she came in. I knew that it was unusual for her not to have called if there was a problem, but I guess I was in denial that maybe something had prevented her from coming. (She had called my cell phone but of course, my battery was dead as usual)
Around 9:20 I did call her home and found out that she had fallen on the ice at her house and was at the emergency room with most likely a broken wrist. Holy Crap! I already had an extra person so I didn't need to get a substitute but our concern for how she was weighed heavily in the air.
We quickly got busy and were ready for the students on time. After serving time, she called us and told us that she did indeed break her wrist and has to have surgery to aid in the repair. I think she said they have to put a plate of some kind in her wrist. She will be out of work for quite awhile, she is thinking three weeks, but I feel with an injury that severe, it will probably be longer. We talked for a bit and we will check back with her on Monday night after her surgery.
I hung up the phone and repeated her plight to the other staff. We stood there for a moment letting it all sink in, then we wondered, "what does that mean for us". Well, I had no idea. So I got busy finding out. The person who handles these things is the same person who helped me with my "Breakfast session fiasco". I thought that she might hang up on me if I call her with another problem. But of course she didn't, (being one of the nicest persons I know.) She managed to get us a substitute that can work just about every day except for Wednesdays. This is good news. The sub is a very good worker and I am sure we will be just fine. And we only need another person for those Wednesdays.
But, things will certainly be different. When you work so closely with three people day in and day out you get into a routine. When someone is out, you kinda feel off balance. We will truly miss her and we can't wait for her return.
Other things going on are that we have decided to get busy with contract stuff. Our contract with the school district is up for renewal this year. We have to decide what we would like to ask for and we must ask "how much change are we ready for". Time will tell.
I am sure we will get through the following weeks, and I am thankful we have some extra days off coming up. I am thankful for a lot of things.
Thankful my staff member that hurt herself is ok and her injury is something that can be fixed.
I am thankful she will be back at some point.
I am thankful she has a loving husband and caring children that will help her through.
I am thankful for my other staff member that will pitch in and do her best to help things continue to move along smoothly.
I am thankful I spent a nice day with my mother today.
I am thankful I met a friend Friday night and we had a great time, laughing and talking. Mostly laughing.
I am thankful my son called and checked in with us Saturday night.
And, I am thankful to be, yes, just be. Thankful to be me and be happy with that. I don't know if I was ever thankful for that before.
Yes, change is good.
ahhhhhh... all is well.
(Sorry if there is spelling errors, the spell check won't work tonight).
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Taking Responsibility
Our POS (Point of Sale) system we use for our lunch account system records each transaction that you make on the computer. This is good and this is bad. The good news is that when you have a problem on the register, you can go back and check out the detailed transaction report to see what the problem might have been. That is also the bad news.
Last week, when I went in to start a "session", which would be either a lunch or breakfast, I mistakenly put in "Breakfast" instead of lunch. So, all the lunches I put in, came through the system as a breakfast instead of a lunch. Now you might be thinking "well, no big deal" but it is a big deal. You see, the school district gets a "government reimbursement for meals served". When you serve breakfast, you get a certain percent reimbursement, and when you serve lunch you get more of a percent reimbursement. So, if the meals stay in the system as a breakfast, we lose money on our reimbursements. That means we have to back out and void every transaction and re input them in a lunch session. DAMM.... Of course it was a Dominos Day, when I made probably a 1,000 transactions or more.
Our administrative assistant who helps with these problems is probably one of the nicest persons I have ever met. She has offered to void out all the entries made and I will be re-entering them back in. I did offer to do that. I don't feel that she should have to do that when it was my mistake. She shouldn't even have to void them out, however I am so grateful to her for offering to do that.
Now I knew that day that I had made the mistake. Something "weird" came up on the register as the kids were coming through and I went back to look at the computer monitor and I saw what I had done. I quickly changed the session from breakfast to lunch but it was way too late. I thought that since I had hit the lunch key, that they would register as a lunch. But it doesn't work that way.
What a mess I have made. If I was the administrative assistant, I would be furious at me for causing all the extra work. But she was so nice. I think I should send her some flowers or something. I, on the other hand, am so pissed off at myself for doing something so stupid. Once I heard it all had to be redone and the extra work for the administrative assistant and me, my mood changed dramatically. I really beat myself up about it.
Part of the problem is that my hands (I have carpal tunnel) have been hurting and cramping so bad these days that the thoughts of re inputting all the information in, is overwhelming. However, it doesn't have to all be done at one time. I am thankful for that. I am very, very quick on the register so it really won't take long to do it. (I used to do data entry) The most work will be reading what to input, not the actual putting it in.
So I guess I have to think about what I should be thankful for. Here they are:
I am thankful for the administrative assistant who was so nice and understanding.
I am thankful that my staff has offered to help with the inputting.
I am thankful it doesn't all have to be done right away or all at the same time.
I am thankful that on Friday we are supposed to have an extra person which will give me the extra time to input the transactions.
I am thankful I finally made a doctors appointment to check on my hands.
That is about all I can think of at this moment. Sometimes its hard to be thankful when your miserable. I need a nap....
And one more thing about doing extra or double work. Karma is really something. About two weeks ago at my other job, I was told to do something, then found out after 45 minutes of working on it, I was told that we didn't need all that work I had done. I was angry and complained to anybody that would listen to me. I wasn't nice and understanding like the administrative assistant at my school job who has all this extra work to do because of something I did. I guess I need to remember that next time. Mistakes happen. I need to ask myself "what is the opportunity in this lesson for me to learn."
On a happier note:
It was Chinese Day in the cafeteria today. Yumm! I made Wonton soup, General Tso's chicken (which you might not believe it, but it was pretty good for school Chinese), egg rolls, and vegetable fried rice (not really fried, it was steamed). And you got a fortune cookie. The kids love getting the fortune cookies. The lunch mom's hated it. They said the little wrappers were hard to get open and the wrappers were all over the place. Hmmm, can't please everybody.
Well, another day done. We have two whole weeks without an extra day off. Bummer!!!
All is well.
Last week, when I went in to start a "session", which would be either a lunch or breakfast, I mistakenly put in "Breakfast" instead of lunch. So, all the lunches I put in, came through the system as a breakfast instead of a lunch. Now you might be thinking "well, no big deal" but it is a big deal. You see, the school district gets a "government reimbursement for meals served". When you serve breakfast, you get a certain percent reimbursement, and when you serve lunch you get more of a percent reimbursement. So, if the meals stay in the system as a breakfast, we lose money on our reimbursements. That means we have to back out and void every transaction and re input them in a lunch session. DAMM.... Of course it was a Dominos Day, when I made probably a 1,000 transactions or more.
Our administrative assistant who helps with these problems is probably one of the nicest persons I have ever met. She has offered to void out all the entries made and I will be re-entering them back in. I did offer to do that. I don't feel that she should have to do that when it was my mistake. She shouldn't even have to void them out, however I am so grateful to her for offering to do that.
Now I knew that day that I had made the mistake. Something "weird" came up on the register as the kids were coming through and I went back to look at the computer monitor and I saw what I had done. I quickly changed the session from breakfast to lunch but it was way too late. I thought that since I had hit the lunch key, that they would register as a lunch. But it doesn't work that way.
What a mess I have made. If I was the administrative assistant, I would be furious at me for causing all the extra work. But she was so nice. I think I should send her some flowers or something. I, on the other hand, am so pissed off at myself for doing something so stupid. Once I heard it all had to be redone and the extra work for the administrative assistant and me, my mood changed dramatically. I really beat myself up about it.
Part of the problem is that my hands (I have carpal tunnel) have been hurting and cramping so bad these days that the thoughts of re inputting all the information in, is overwhelming. However, it doesn't have to all be done at one time. I am thankful for that. I am very, very quick on the register so it really won't take long to do it. (I used to do data entry) The most work will be reading what to input, not the actual putting it in.
So I guess I have to think about what I should be thankful for. Here they are:
I am thankful for the administrative assistant who was so nice and understanding.
I am thankful that my staff has offered to help with the inputting.
I am thankful it doesn't all have to be done right away or all at the same time.
I am thankful that on Friday we are supposed to have an extra person which will give me the extra time to input the transactions.
I am thankful I finally made a doctors appointment to check on my hands.
That is about all I can think of at this moment. Sometimes its hard to be thankful when your miserable. I need a nap....
And one more thing about doing extra or double work. Karma is really something. About two weeks ago at my other job, I was told to do something, then found out after 45 minutes of working on it, I was told that we didn't need all that work I had done. I was angry and complained to anybody that would listen to me. I wasn't nice and understanding like the administrative assistant at my school job who has all this extra work to do because of something I did. I guess I need to remember that next time. Mistakes happen. I need to ask myself "what is the opportunity in this lesson for me to learn."
On a happier note:
It was Chinese Day in the cafeteria today. Yumm! I made Wonton soup, General Tso's chicken (which you might not believe it, but it was pretty good for school Chinese), egg rolls, and vegetable fried rice (not really fried, it was steamed). And you got a fortune cookie. The kids love getting the fortune cookies. The lunch mom's hated it. They said the little wrappers were hard to get open and the wrappers were all over the place. Hmmm, can't please everybody.
Well, another day done. We have two whole weeks without an extra day off. Bummer!!!
All is well.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Chapter Dinner Meeting
On Thursday I went to a Chapter Dinner Meeting. This is a meeting were lunch ladies gather for, of course, dinner, and someone usually speaks about a topic relating to what we do, and some entertainment.
I wanted to go because I do enjoy going to these meetings, plus I wanted to pass out some of my "story request letters". I made up a letter with my web addresses which are my blog and my youtube which I have a video on.
We got there early and filled out the paperwork since we decided to join the Chapter which gives you some benefits like discounts on conferences and things like that. I asked the woman in charge if I may pass out my letter and she said "yes, would you like to speak about it to everyone"? Wow, how nice was that. She didn't know me and I appreciated her trust. However, I didn't think I was comfortable speaking in public like that.... yet.... I went around to each table and handed out some letters and spoke to the wonderful women attending. Everyone was very receptive and thought it was a great idea. I already got a story emailed to me. I am very grateful for that and for the opportunity to spread the word.
The dinner theme was Middle Eastern. I don't know how many people were there but it was well attended. One school district had (I think they said) 34 people. That is awesome. They said their school district pays for their dinner to attend which makes a big difference. They had someone speak to us about child nutrition and then had a belly dancer give us some instruction. She had some hip scarves which we used and they showed us some moves. If you can imagine 50 0r so lunch ladies shaking their groove thing. It was great fun! My friend got some pictures that I will use on my power-point for our end of the year breakfast.
I am glad I went. We have another one to go to in Feb. I am looking forward to that one too.
It was a good week at work too. All is well.
I wanted to go because I do enjoy going to these meetings, plus I wanted to pass out some of my "story request letters". I made up a letter with my web addresses which are my blog and my youtube which I have a video on.
We got there early and filled out the paperwork since we decided to join the Chapter which gives you some benefits like discounts on conferences and things like that. I asked the woman in charge if I may pass out my letter and she said "yes, would you like to speak about it to everyone"? Wow, how nice was that. She didn't know me and I appreciated her trust. However, I didn't think I was comfortable speaking in public like that.... yet.... I went around to each table and handed out some letters and spoke to the wonderful women attending. Everyone was very receptive and thought it was a great idea. I already got a story emailed to me. I am very grateful for that and for the opportunity to spread the word.
The dinner theme was Middle Eastern. I don't know how many people were there but it was well attended. One school district had (I think they said) 34 people. That is awesome. They said their school district pays for their dinner to attend which makes a big difference. They had someone speak to us about child nutrition and then had a belly dancer give us some instruction. She had some hip scarves which we used and they showed us some moves. If you can imagine 50 0r so lunch ladies shaking their groove thing. It was great fun! My friend got some pictures that I will use on my power-point for our end of the year breakfast.
I am glad I went. We have another one to go to in Feb. I am looking forward to that one too.
It was a good week at work too. All is well.
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