Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Two Hour Delay

The week has been going pretty well.

Last night the roads were snow covered so I didn't go out. I was going to attend another Chapter Dinner Meeting but it was cancelled due to the impending bad weather. I was really looking forward to handing out my Request for Stories Letter. Luckily the meeting is rescheduled for a date in two weeks.

Today however was a two hour delay. Do you know what that means for lunch ladies. It means absolutely "nothing". We still have to get in to get the food ready for the day. The kids still come in at the same time to eat lunch. So next time you climb back into bed after you either get the call for the delay or get the information on the school website or do it the old fashioned way of watching for your school on the TV, think of your lunch ladies who are already up and getting ready and leaving for work.

What else it means is that unless it is a menu item that we have had on that day before, you have no idea how much food to make. The kids came in to school today at 10:30-10:45. The lunch counts (these tell us what the students want and how much to make)came down to us between 10:45 and 11:15. The first kids come in to eat at

We were having "Breakfast for Lunch" today so I knew we would have a big lunch count day. However, we haven't had the Cinnamon French Toast Slice this year on a Wednesday opposite Chicken Patty and Bagel. I approximated what I would need (really it was just a guess)and got busy.

By 10:45 I was waiting for the counts and eagerly counting what they ordered. I was off on the chicken pattys and ran back to put another 30 in the oven. I think I did a pretty good job of estimating everything else.

Then the kids come in. Holy Smokes!!! You figure they got in school and had to run around getting all the morning stuff done in about the 1/2 hour they were there before it was lunch time. They came in all wound up. It reminded me of the horse races. The gates were opened and they took off into our line. Yippin and Yapping away. Pushing and shoving and all. Now I know my son will say "you knew it was going to happen so why do you let it get to you". But, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. But I will say, I don't think it bothered me as much as it used too. I understand why they were so excited. A short day at school. Remember when you were a kid? Everybody loved a shortened day. So, I tried to put myself in their shoes. However, they still were a bit tight. (Old dog and all).

They are saying it might freeze up tonight and may have another 2 hour delay tomorrow. Hmmmmm. Two deeps breaths...

The good news is that tomorrow is the last day of the week for us. We are off Friday and Monday. And, it is Valentine's Day you know. And pay day. You got to love this job!

Yes.. All is well....

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