Wow! What an event. The 2008 School Nutrition Association Conference was really something. It was fun and informative. The conference was Sun 7/20 through Wed
7/23. It actually started earlier however I didn't get there until Sun. It's all about the who's who of SNA, products, education and fun. It was attended by more than 1,000 lunch ladies, vendors, directors and more. We heard great speakers, tasted new products, attended educational workshops and partied. I got some great ideas about handling food allergies at my school which I will pass along to the other schools in our district. The partying was fun too. Sunday night Tyson Foods took us to the Camden Aquarium which they had rented out for us. It was very nice. I actually ate dinner (prime rib I might add)sitting next to the shark tank. Yes, shark's were just alongside the other side of the glass. Such beautiful creatures. We were able to meander around the aquarium at our leisure which was lit by votive candles. A great band played, lots of dancing, and the Tyson Chicken was there too. I have pictures! We really enjoyed it.
The exhibit floor was massive and the vendors out did themselves with tasty samples and give-a-ways. Everybody loves a giveaway. I do admit that the walking was more than my "new" foot could handle.
The second night (yes, we did "work" things in the day, but I remember more the night fun) we went to a Lowes Hotel for a wine and cheese party which for some reason, I was uncomfortable at. We were assured the dress code was casual however, this particular party was a dress up event. Luckily we got a call to see if we were interested in attending another party at a Phila night club called "Finegan's Wake". I have been there before for a bachelorette party so I was very excited to be going. We went out and had to hail our first cab (which later turned out to be the first of many). I asked "what do you do to get a cab, open the door and ask?". I was told that is how it is done, and that is what I did. I opened the door and asked if they could take us to the address, the driver smiled and nodded, and away we went. Holding on! All the taxi drivers we took would be great for the Amazing Race contestants. We rolled around in the back, laughing all the way. We ended up staying there for quite a while, dancing (yes, dancing, after 4 glasses of wine, my foot didn't hurt at all. Funny thing about alcohol, I have been wasting my time with Motrin and Aleve). When I came off the dance floor my friend asked how my foot was feeling, I said "What foot"? And I am sure you know, I paid the price later with a swollen foot that even the ice packs couldn't help. But.... it was worth it.
You would think after that we would be heading back to the hotel but no way Hosa! We were off to another party at another hotel. That party also fun but by then we were mere observers. No dancing there for me. Another cab ride later and we were back at the hotel and slept well.
The next few days were fun and educational. We saw Robin Roberts of Good Morning American who spoke at the conference. She seems really nice and told her story and gave us encouragement. She has breast cancer and is doing well. She didn't make that the focus of her speaking though. She was a great speaking and very down to earth. She seems like one of the girls. She would make a great friend.
The conference closed with a concert by Patti LaBelle. She's a trip (old '80's language I know, but describes her well). She is 63 or 64 and still going strong. She kept changing shoes which I found odd. 4" and 5 ' heels. (You go girl!) I loved hearing her say "I LOVE YOU LUNCH LADIES". For some reason that struck me as being so cool! Somebody, besides our family, co-workers, and friends, loving us for being lunch ladies. It was a great time that I will remember forever.
So, you might ask, did I make any connections for or about my book? Yes, I did.
About a week and a half before the conference at my Toastmasters meeting, somebody asked me what I wanted on my "business card". I didn't even know I was getting a business card and frankly, I have never had one. I gave them my phone number for my JoAnn Wismer, Secretary of the Blue Bell Toastmasters Club, business card. Then a few days later my boss asked me if I had a business card to hand out at the conference to give information about my book. Well, "no I don't I said", then I thought "why don't I"? So about 2 hours later I had ordered online 100 business type cards with information about my book and how to contact me. I believe that sometimes you have to go for the gentle nudges the Universe provides you with to get you to do something. Two mentions of business cards in a few days was surely a sign. I have a story request letter but a card is something small that people could put in their purse or wallet. I ordered them on Sunday night and had them on Thursday. How cool is that?
I passed out my cards and spoke to wonderful ladies all of whom thinks that my book is a great idea. One person told me that I should go around and speak to people about the things we were talking about. Wow! Speaking in public about something has been a goal of mine for awhile. Reaffirms my beliefs as to what I need to be doing.
I met one woman names Francis who has worked in Food Service for I think it was 38 years. What a wealth of stories she has. I hope, pray and ask that she send me a few stories for my book. Many people when I tell them about my books will say "here's one", and start talking, however I don't always have my pen and paper ready to go. Maybe they will email or mail those stories to me. Keep your fingers crossed.
Well, now the conference is over. What do I move on to next? My book proposal for a publisher is first on my list. My boss said she remembers something about somebody else writing a book like mine. I guess I better get a move on, however, I know there are plenty of stories for us all to write a book.
Summer is moving on quickly, too quickly. I have to practice my first speech I am doing at our next Toastmasters meeting. Yikes! Another thing I got from the conference is that the best speakers are the ones that use humor. Everybody seems to enjoy that most. I hope to do that in my speeches.
Thirty-seven days until school/work starts again. I wonder why the month of March seems to go by slower than the 2 1/2 months of summer break. Hmmm......
All is well.
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