Monday, December 29, 2008

Wow, it has been f-o-r-e-v-e-r since I have blogged. Work was very busy, or I should say "life" has been very busy. How do we do it all?

I could not wait to get out of work last week (the Tuesday before Christmas). Lunch money issues was really getting me down. Money must be tight this year since we are having issues with getting money on the lunch accounts for the kids at school. I try not to take it personal but I just can't help it, I do. Plus, my staff each had a family member loss this year so it has been hard on them too. I lost my father around the holidays so I totally understand how they are feeling, losing someone so close to the holidays. It really does SUCK.

I have been missing my dad, as always, and I was asking him for some signs to let me know he is still with me. After he passed away, we had many issues with the lights going off or on when nobody was around or touching them, and we also had some candles that I knew had been blown out that came back on. I would go to bed, wake up and notice candles or lights on. I have always felt it is my father, letting me know that he is still with me. So, I asked him for a sign around the holidays to let me know he is still "with me". Sure enough, within a day or two, I was in bed and woke up and noticed a light in our living room. I woke up my husband and asked him if he went and turned it on and he said no. So, I laughed and said, "thank you dad". I love feeling his presence and knowing he is still watching over us.

Along with all the money issues of the kids at school, we are starting a new menu item at our school. A "vegetarian" meal. This means the kids get a choice of FIVE items to order as their main item. Holy Crap! I don't even know where we are going to put it. Get this..... one of the items is a salad with beans. Three kinds of beans I believe are supposed to get put into a salad. Now, let me tell you, the kids rarely even take a regular salad much less one that has beans in it. Another one of the items is "Hummus". I have never even had hummus until the other day. Somebody had it at a dinner I went to, so I tried it. Now I will tell you, I have never liked chick peas so when I heard that is what hummus is, I thought no way. But I thought I would give it a try anyway. It was a hummus dip with roasted peppers. Now I love roasted peppers. How bad could it be. Well.. for me, very bad. I don't like the texture of chick peas and I really don't like the texture of hummus. Do you really think the kids are going to like it? Order it? Other items are sunbutter (like a peanut butter but without the peanuts) platter. We already have a "sunbutter sandwich" on the menu. The kids order about 5 of them on Mondays and take Zero of them. They always say they meant to order the bagel which is lunch "C". I don't usually force the issue. When you try to force them to take it they get that "look" like NO WAY and sometime they start to get all welled up with tears. Oh, give me a break. I usually say "take your bagel, but next time you have to take it". But they don't. We don't even check anymore. I don't even make the sandwiches anymore. I put some sunbutter and jelly in cups, bag two pieces of bread, and wait and see if it is left over at the end of the day, which of course, it is. So, hopefully these newly added menu items will be a non-issue. I sent out a note to the teachers before I left on Tuesday telling them about the newly added item. I told them "I am sure the students will be chomping at the bit to get their hummus platter and salad with beans". I also said in the note that "I thought it was a practical joke being played by my boss, but much to my surprise it wasn't and we really have to make these items". I got replies from some teachers that said "you are so funny!". The nurse emailed me and said she was "falling off her seat since she was laughing so hard", she also said "I crack her up". That was my intention, to inform and let them know about the items, but also let them know I am not taking the items very seriously. Who knows, maybe the children will L-O-V-E the new items and I will be totally wrong. Wouldn't be the first time.

Now on my plate (life's plate) is a community issue I am working on. There have been two bridges closed on my road within 1/2 mile of my house. I was upset about the first one, which has been closed now for two years, then last week, Penndot closed another one. What a mess. I emailed our local newspaper and asked them to do a story about it, which they did. I have also emailed a State Legislator and a Senator asking for some help. We will see what comes of all this. I am not saying that I am "fighting anybody" to get something done about these bridge closures since I don't believe "fighting" against anything helps. I am saying that I am being an advocate for the residents of our road. Sounds better than fighting against something, right?

I am now working on my third speech for my Toastmasters Club. I did a speech at our Holiday Club meeting and it went very well. I did "Mrs. Clauses Rant" and I told everybody how, "it is not Santa that keep the spirit of Christmas alive, it is I, Mrs. Claus, that does all the baking, cooking, cleaning, decorating, and wrapping of the presents.". I had some pretty good jokes in there (I hope you don't mind if I do say so myself), about how Santa knows what every child in the whole world wants for Christmas but has no clue what to give me. I listed items he has given me over the years like a car wash kit, two tickets to the Circuit City home theater installation seminar, and a two-year membership to Weight Watchers. I told the men to listen up and never give the female in their life something that implies that they need to lose weight, not unless they have a death wish. I also said that Santa did give me a gift I did like once. It was a mood ring, it turned a beautiful shade of green when I was in a good mood, but when I was in a bad mood, it left a red mark, right in the middle of his forehead. I had "googled" Santa and marriage to get some of those jokes so they weren't mine. But nevertheless, they were funny and I got some laughs. I have a third speech to do at our next meeting. It is about the many lessons I learned at the Fall Toastmasters Conference" I went to. I don't think I can make it very funny, but a speech is a speech so I am hoping for it to go well.

Last but not least, is my book. I am typing up more of it since I have a few extra days off. I am doing the Chapter on Allergies. I had it titled "Allergies Everywhere", however, today I thought of a new title "Allergies in a Nutshell". I think that is a better title, what ca' think?

Well, I wish all of you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year 2009. I am looking forward to completing my book, going on a great vacation and getting back to how I looked in the "1970's, 80's, 90, 2000's. Yes, I have lost the same 50 times at least two times per decade. Here I go again, just like Oprah!

All is well.....

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