Sunday, July 6, 2008

Goodbye 2007-2008 school year

Wow, I can't believe so much time has passed since I last blogged. May 7th? So much as passed since then. To name a few I had foot surgery and was out of work for 2 weeks and 2 days. I went back and had the mad rush of getting the school "closed" for the summer. I also went to Florida with my mom, sister, and niece.

My foot surgery.... Well, I decided that I really needed the surgery since I was living daily with foot pain. The doctor said that surgery was the next option and he had done all he could except for that. I was at a grocery store one day, after working at school all day, and the pain was so bad that I was in tears. I thought enough of this, get the surgery done. Heck.. I had 60 days worth of sick time accumulated. So I took 2 weeks off. I had asked the doctor if I could go back to work after two weeks and he said "probably". Well, I took that as a yes! When I called to make the appointment for the surgery, the nurse said "you will need to be off your foot for at least 4 weeks". I said but the doctor said I could go back in two. She said "well, we recommend 4 weeks off. At this point I had made up my mind and I was doing it. I told my boss, who took it quite well I would like to add, and on May 21 (yes, about 4 weeks before school ended) I was scheduled. The surgery went well, but the darn nurse was right. I really needed four week off. I went back after two weeks and two additional days off, but I really couldn't around well. I had a stool there so I could sit and do some stuff but I will tell you, it was so hard to be there when you can't get around.

I have the best staff ever I will say. They managed the kitchen while I was out and they came through with flying colors. I am indebted to them for their kindness and dedication. I know sure-a-shooting that they were glad this year was done. They deserved the much needed summer vacation. I hope they know how much they are appreciated.

Closing a school for summer is always bittersweet. First, by the middle of May, you have to start warning, poking, prodding the kids and parents to send in lunch money that will get them through the end of the year. Not an easy task! Sports start up and parents and the kids are so busy, which means lunch money is the last thing on their minds. I send out note after note after note, and while some are wonderful and make sure their kids accounts are in good shape, many do not. We are pressured from above to make sure that the lunch "charges" do not get out of hand. We even have to call the homes of students (hey, am I in the collections department?) which is something all of us hate to do.

Lunch money is only the beginning of "school closing". There is all the cleaning. We are supposed to clean every nook and cranny of the school kitchen. (Not a strong suit of mine) but regardless, you get it done. There is also all the orders for food, equipment, and miscellaneous things for September that must be accomplished before you leave for the summer. I don't know you but it is hard to think about what you want for dinner tonight much less trying to order everything you need for three months away. But, we get it done.

Also you have to think about not having that paycheck coming in. We do not collect unemployment in the summer. We checked this out this year and we were told it is because the school districts have some kind of agreement with the government. Hmm.... that agreement sucks1 It is hard to find a job that you will have for the summer only. We are not age 16 you know. Summer jobs aren't so easy when your in your 40's, 50,'s or so. I have a 2nd job all the time so I try and pick up some hours there but the pickings are slim at that job too. Even though it is summer, bills still have to be paid and life goes on. Plus, I want to do some things this summer too!

I remember an earlier blog I wrote which I mentioned gas being $3.00 a gallon,...several times. It's up to $4.00 a gallon now but I am not even going there!

But you know, you do the best you can. It is nice to be able to sleep in, rest up, have my foot recovering from surgery, and of course, work on my book.

Speaking of my book, I am going to a conference in Philadelphia in a few weeks. I hope to drum up some stories. I have begun the process of a book proposal which is needed to see if someone might want to publish it. It is a lot of work, but heck, I have 8 more weeks to work on it.

Gotta love this lunchlady job! (most of the time anyway)....

All is well....

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