I have created this blog in hopes of connecting with other lunch ladies who have a funny, sad, heart-warming story to share with me for my book. Your story does not have to be long. I have some stories that are only a line or two about something a student said in the lunch line that made them laugh, cry, scream or say hmmmm. I also want to share my blog with students, teachers, parents and peers. I am interested in the opinions of all as to how you view what we do, how we do it, and how we can improve.
Example story:
One day I was making soup and I wanted to use chicken base. I had a gallon jug in the refrigerator already made up. I poured the contents of the jug into the soup and quickly put it in the steamer. I took the soup out at serving time and realized it had a very distinctive smell. Pickles.... I had used a gallon jug of pickle juice (all the pickles were gone) instead of the chicken base. It was too close to serving time to do anything about it so we had Pickle Soup. Of course, it seemed like every teacher wanted to buy soup that day. I ended up giving the soup away for free.
This is just an example of things that happen to us everyday. At our school we have lots of fun along with hard work.
My goal is to get lunch ladies respect. We work hard and greatly affect the students. The students love lunch time. Most people of all ages remember lunch time as being their favorite time while they were in school. Not all lunch ladies are like Adam Sandler's song "Lunch Lady Land". We don't just sling sloppy jo's and pizza.
Let me know your thoughts, encounters and your experiences with lunch ladies. I will be happy to publish your name in my book if you submit a story to me. You can also submit stories to me at my email address which is: jomarie026@aol.com. I look forward to hearing from all of you.
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